
I've got two kittens, the younger one keeps messing on my furniture

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He's been in my home for a few weeks and knows where the litter tray is. My older kitten had one or two mistakes but now knows where the tray is and is no problem. I am seriously concerned about the younger one. I've today shut him in the utility room with his tray etc, and he's tipped the water out of his bowl and peed in the bowl. I'm at the end of my tether as if i let him out he will poo on my sofa




  1. First things first, bring that cat to the vet. It could be sick. Sometimes if an animal is messing on furniture or clothes it's because it's getting back at you. If you are rejecting it or not spending a lot of time with it that might be it's way of payback!  

  2. Well to start with, any new young animal, should never have the run of the house! When you bring them home, you must first, for the first month, have a seperate confined area for it, away from the rest of the whole house of freedom!

    Cover the whole area flooring with newspapers, because little ones will have accidents until they learn where there suppse to relieve themselves! The problem you are having, is the ordors are still on the couch, and cats and dogs will go, where they can smell the ordors! Cat urine is really hard to get out of furniture and carpetings, that's why people who rent out apartments and houses, no longer are allowing cats!

    Once kittens learn where to relieve themselves, where they shouldn't be, it's a real mess to retrain them to the correct place for them to do so! And having 2 kittens makes it that much harder! One maybe causing the other to use your whole house as a litter box! And then with cats, some cats refuse to share the same litter box too!

    Many people trying to train a ktten to a litter box, have much more success, actually using dirt, instead of store boughten litter! Then slowly mixing a little more store boughten litter with the dirt! Some cats have a one track mind, I had one kitten I had litter trained with newspapers first, well the cat used any newpaper that would be around in the house! LOL So litter training can have it's ups and downs, but we all know it has to be done if we want to have pets!

    Trying different things, will go a long ways to being successful, getting upset, only will convince you into finding a new home for your cat, just because you failed in the training process! Being stern and watchful will go a long ways in your sucsess to your litter training process.

  3. These kittens are obviously not from the same litter.  It could be that the older one is asserting his dominance and will not let the younger one use the litter box.  So he's confused and doesn't know where to go.  Try having two separate litter boxes in two separate places, and make sure the older one cannot get to the one the younger kitten is to use.  Put the kitten in the litter box and rub his bottom with a damp paper towel.  (Our vet told us about this trick)  That makes him think the mother cat is l*****g him to tell him where to go potty at.  If that doesn't help, you should ask the vet.  He may have a medical problem.  

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