
I've got two questions in one about puppies?

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My 2-monthed cocker spaniel has already started to hump stuff and my shoe, how can I stop that? Will he stop if I castrate him? And also at what age can I train him to sit, roll-over, stay, lay etc. If you could add the how, it would be perfect




  1. If you don't want to castrate him, then you can cut off his legs, this is guaranteed to stop him humping, but many, including myself, consider it extreme and cruel, but it would also help with stay, and roll-over and lay, but specialist training would be required for sit.

  2. the desexing might help but doesnt always as for the training you can start straight away. to sit get a treat and hold it just above his nose and slowy move it to above his head, he should look up and that will cause his bottom to go down. If he walks backwards dont give him his treat then start again. It wont take long for him to figure out if he doesnt sit he wont get the reward. Roll over is a bit harder so get the basics first. laydown or drop is what you need to be able to do before roll over so while he is in the sit position run the treat from his nose down inbetween his front legs and along the ground. If this doesnt work try to get him to craw under your bent knee on the ground. when he hits the ground say your command (laydown or drop) and give him the treat. DO NOT give treats for just trying only for a win. Shake is easy just sit him down and say shake and lift up his paw eventually he will connect the word shake with you lifting his paw and a treat. stay you will need him to sit then say stay and put a flat hand infront of his nose. Take one step away then return to your dog and reward. Keep doing this but every 2 or 3 times take an extra step back. Always return to your dog to reward or else he will think he is getting a reward for coming to you. I could go on forever there are so many tricks you can teach your dog. Find a good site on the net. Im sure there is pages and pages. Have fun with it I sure do and when visitors come around the are amazed at what your dog can do. Mine now waves good by hehe

  3. 1

    To stop the urges take him to get fixed then he can't hump anymore.


    You are supposed to train your dog when it is a puppy or else when it grows up it will be hard to teach him/her commands.

    to teach sit get your dog's fave treat put the treat over his/her head and naturally she/he will sit wait 2 seconds and give him/her the treat.

  4. For one thing, Thats what puppies do. Not all of them Hump things, But My 6 week old puppy did and I don't really think He knows what hes doing, but just be firm and he will stop. As for training a puppy, they such a small attention span as a puppy that it is best to wait until they are 6 months old, to avoid frustrating yourself and the puppy.

    And Good Luck training a Friggin' cocker spaniel. No offence,  but I really do hope you have better luck then I do on training your cocker spaniel. Mine died a few years back at 12.  RIP General. :(

  5. A lot of times puppies (and many times dogs) will do this as a sign of dominance. It isn't that your puppy is aroused, he probably isn't even conciously doing it. Even females sometimes hump at this age. He will probably outgrow it.

    Castrating is a good idea if you do not intend to breed. Many male dogs meet an untimely death when they scent a female in season and cross a road to get to them. This can start even under a year of age. It also should curb the humpin, but may not eliminate it.

    Try distracting him before worrying about anti humping training. If that doesn't work, anti humping training can be done with a spray bottle or put some pennies in a tin can, tape it shut and shake it once sharply while saying "No!" sharply in a low toned voice. Do NOT throw the can! You'll just teach him to be fearful.

    For training in learning basids, start immediately. As with children, puppies are very adaptable and ready to learn at 8 weeks. It's the perfect time and the easiest time to train. It's also a highly effective time to train. I recommend checking for puppy classes in your area, that way you are training and socializing at the same time. If this doesn't appeal, try your local library or pet store for obedience training books.

  6. He is young....neutering definitely help....unless he is doing it as a dominance thing. You should start to train right away......this will also teach him who is boss.  I always found that closer to 10 or 12 weeks was when they really go the idea that you are the boss and they get some great rewards for doing good behavior.

  7. not sure about the castration but I've only ever had adult dogs until now (a 6 week old, still not sure when to teach her) but I've easily managed to teach my 3-4 year old lab to sit lie roll over and stay so it goes to show that you can teach and old dog new tricks! for sit: have a treat in ur hand and draw it from his nose further back his head not touching and he will follow it effectively making him sit as it gives him a better view of the treat, for lie down: make him sit (easier) and make his eyes follow the treat and bring it down to the ground slowly if doesn't work immediately draw it further away only slightly. roll over start in lie position and again just make the eys follow and move your hand in a rolling motion. whilst doing all of these say the commands in a loud strong and firm voice, not scary but make sure they know who's boss.

  8. The castration won't stop him unfortunately. Once they experience the sensation, they'll sometimes repeat. He may just be showing signs of dominance. Make sure to show him your are the alpha. you can do this through simple obedience training.

  9. the humping thing is a male thing ( sometimes even females do it! ) there isn't much you can do about it since it's nature. But I try to get mine to stop just by simply repeating myself over and over with "no". Or, sometimes getting the flyswatter out (not hitting them with it!!!) is just enough to get their attention!

    It won't stop if you get him neutered; I had my male chihuahua neutered at a year old & it didn't affect him.

    you can start training immediately! Start simple though! Sit is a great one to start with & also Heel when you are walking him. They learn quick and the sooner the better!

    Congrats on the new dog!!!  

  10. You can and should start training right away.  The sooner the better.  

    As far as the humping, right now it's just play, but will lead to unwanted behavior if it's not corrected.  Generally, yes, neutering does help.  Some require additional correcting after neutering and others don't.  Some vets will neuter now while others prefer to wait until the pup is 5 to 6 months old.  Call your vet and ask what their policy is on neutering.


    Here is a link to basic obedience.

    Thought I'd add this just in case you need any additional help with housebreaking.

  11. Okay, when he does silly things to your foot just lift him off gently and say "No!" in a firm, but not yelling, voice.  Having him neutered will very likely stop this behaviour.

    He is not too young to learn the commands right now.

    Sit:  Take a very tiny piece of treat -- dog treat or a piece of cheese or hot dog (when I say "tiny" I mean "TINY"  the treat should be about the size of the white part on your fingernail, no matter what size your dog is)  Have the dog come to you, very close to your legs.  Put the treat at his nose level, then raise it while saying "Sit"  Head comes up to follow the treat, butt goes down.  Immediately praise the dog as soon as his butt touches the floor, even if it's only for the briefest time.  Gradually expect him to be able to plant his butt for longer periods of time, and he should move to being able to do it without the treat or the hand movement.

    Down:  I would begin doing this one from a sit, at first.  When the dog is sitting, show him the teensy treat and say "Down" while moving the treat down just under his chin.  You have to be careful not to pull the treat forward as you move it to the ground, as this only makes your dog get up to follow it.  Again, uber-praise as soon as his elbows hit the ground -- gradually expecting more from the dog with longer sits and downs.  

    Make training a happy time, and always try to end it on a good note.  A puppy this young has very little attention span, so no more than 3-5 minutes at a time.  I used to do a quick sit/down with my puppies right before I set their food dishes down for their meals.  They've already got food on their mind.  :)

  12. we got our puppy when he was 5 weeks old only because the mother would not feed him anymore and the first week we had him we taught him to sit,lay down and stay he must always sit before he gets his food and he is 13 weeks old now and you dont have to tell him to sit when you feed him he just dose it so what im saying is teach him now and for the humping hes a boy thats what they do if you dont want him to do this tell him no or put a few pennies in a soda can and tape it shut and shake it and say no in a firm voice not a mean voice he will learn to stop doing it good luck and enjoy your new puppy

  13. Humping at this age is not a sexual thing it's a dominance thing...........It's also nothing to be embarassed about. When it happens say NO and redirect him to a chew toy.........................You should already be teaching your puppy sit/down and stay.

    Google and print Puppy Training Directions and get started!!

    Good Luck

  14. When very young puppies play they sometimes will mount each other. When he starts doing it just distract the dog. So your dog's behavior has nothing to do with dominance or sexual. Thus neutering, won't do anything since the dog isn't even sexually mature yet.

    Most young puppies attention span are so little that you need to train only a few minutes at different times of the day. don't force too much training, maybe teach it sit, down, place, stay, and come.But remember to keep it always positive don't punish the dog whatsoever when training a young puppy. This can seriously damage a young puppy and inhibit it's true training potential later in life. Just praise for listening and ignore if it doesn't. It's like training a high level of math to a nine year old, although you can, you shouldn't!

    Keep it positive. For sit just use a treat. Just lure the dog to look upwards so it's head is up and move it slowly back so he can naturally sit down. Say "yes!"  and then immediately give him a  treat. Repeat again and but say "sit" when he does and then "yes!". Saying yes is like clicker training without a clicker. It teaches the dog to think for themselves.  

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