
I've got whiplash? help please

by  |  earlier

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i was in a car acident and got whipelash. is it ok to massage the area? i don't want to damage it by going to a massage therapist




  1. Massage therapist would probably help more than you rubbing it, I'd go to an actual doctor though. Apply some bengay or whatever product you prefer and ice several times a day to help bring down any swelling. IBUProfen would also help.

  2. This is the treatment for whiplash:

    a. keep as active as possible.Don't stop doing everything because then you will stiffen up and it will be worse.

    b. take ibuprofen on a regular basis as per the instruction on the box. This will help with the inflammation.

    c. If it feels good when you or someone else rubs it go ahead and do

    it.This is not some horrible injury that you can make worse by touching the area. This is the same time of soft tissue injury you can get from falling down the backstairs.

    d. use ice at first and then heat.

    e. see your doctor and ask if he/she thinks you should have some

    kind of physiotherapy on the area.

    f. whiplash injuries unless there is some kind of underlying condition heal within 6 to 8 weeks and don't believe anyone who tells you differently or says you will never be better or you will get arthritis or you will need to have treatment for the next two years that is all bullwash.

    g. don't dwell on this. It is a injury just like any other and you will get better.

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