
I've had 3 miscarriages what could be causing it ?

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If you have any suggestions on what is causing this please help me out and let me know what you think. 1st miscarriage was at 11 weeks, 2nd was at 10 weeks and 3rd 6 weeks




  1. it could be

    your blood pressure

    choclate you have ate

    coke or fizzy not good

    you need to eat nutritional food

    and before meals meats can not be raw

    you cant make meals yourself you need other people to do the meats 4 u

  2. There is a very high chance that you have a hormone deficincy.your body does not realize it is pregnant so your uterus starts to contract like it would on your period, thus killing the baby. go see your OB/GYN and have blood tests done. they can give you the hormone and monitor your next pregnancy very carefully so that you can be a mommy. GOOD LUCK!

  3. well,

    i don't know the scientific cause,

    but maybe it's just not meant to happen.

    consider adoption, there are tons of kids that NEED parents.

  4. Alot of first trimester misscarriages are due to hormonal imbalances. Though it could be any number of things.. I would start with having the Dr.'s check your hormonal levels..

  5. well miscarriages could be caused cuz ur really really stressed

    or (this is for ur 2nd and 3rd miscarriage) u didnt wait enough time to recover from the miscarriage and became active too quickly

  6. Well there are numerous factors that play a role. Many woman experience a miscarriage at least once in their life, but to have 3 in a row is unusual. You may want to see your doctor as you might have a uterus that is considered an "unfriendly environment" which generally means your body kills the baby. Also, if you are overweight it can cause complications, along with other factors if you smoke, do drugs, drink heavily or have a ton of caffeine regularly - those can play a role in it.

    Sometimes, there is no cause at all for it, and it's just God's way of making you stronger and more able to relate to others who are faced with this situation.

    In any case, I would make a trip to the doctor to see what is up, because usually after 3 miscarriages they ask you to come in and get a check up to make sure everything is okay, and then you are considered a high risk pregnancy if you ever do get pregnant again.

    Also, you are supposed to wait 3-6 months before trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage so that your body has time to heal and repair itself. So if you are getting pregnant before then you are more likely to miscarry again.

    P.S. I knew a woman who had 8 miscarriages before she had her children - and now has 3 healthy children, so don't let people tell you that you're just not meant to be a mom.. that's ridiculous and rude. It's all about how you can emotionally handle it.

  7. I've had tree as well, my fourth pregnancy was succesful.

  8. go to the doctor and get checked out

    also you might be too stressed so calm down visit the doc and go @ it again

  9. Maybe u shouldnt luv red necks

  10. My doctor told me that 3 miscarriages was not uncommon. I had 4 children, lost 3, then had 2 more. If there was another loss, my doctor was going to refer me to a specialist.

  11. just to be on the safe side, take a trip to the doctor.

    you could have an ovarian cyst that is causing a hormonal imbalance in your uterus and causing your brain to think the baby is bacteria and the helper T cells are killing it.

    Just to be on the safe side, see a doctor.

    tell them about the three miscarriages, and you could possibly be needing to remove old placenta and such from your uterus to keep it clean for the new one.

    but first thing is first, see a doctor.

    good luck!

  12. You do know that after each miscarrage your sopposed to wait 6 months, right?

  13. Nobody on here will be able to tell you exactly.

    Its best to go to the doctor where he can run tests & give you a definate answer.

  14. sorry, but maybe your ment not to be a mom.

  15. I've had 1 ectopic pregnancy where they had to take out 1 of my fallopian tubes because of scarring. Then, I had a miscarriage at about 2 or 3 months. I'm pregnant now. I am very nervous but I don't think it is anything that you are doing wrong. The doctor told me that it is not the women who can get pregnant that I worry about; it is the ones that can't even get pregnant. It just may not be the right timing right now. God has everything in control and it is already taken care of. You many not be with the person he wants you to be with. Trust me, when we think we know. God really knows. I'm not trying to cause you any pain or anything but think back to each of those events and ask yourself were you really ready??? Sometimes what we want isn't always what God wants??? LOL, I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for but I hope it helped..


  16. Between myself and my first brother, my mother miscarried 3 times. She ended up having very early stages of ovarian cancer. So ask your doctor or OB/GYN about it.

  17. dont do any squats or leg lifts.

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