
I've had 3 periods, not counting the bleeding after giving birth. Help!?

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I gave birth 10 weeks ago. I bled for 4 weeks after having baby then got my period a week later. Then I got my period again and started taking the bc pill. I've been on it for 15 days and my period started again! Anyone had this happen before? How long til things get back to normal? Also I'm not breastfeeding (medical reasons). Please help!




  1. It can take several months for your period to re-regulate itself.  If you continue to have such irregular periods I would suggest speaking to your doctor about possibly changing the bc pill you are taking.

  2. isn't is awful its feels never ending...........

      I had that bleeding for two months after I had my daughter,then  

    2 or 3 days after that I had my period.I was mad,I was just to spoiled during pregnancy.As far as not getting my period.

    Your body was just cleaning its self out,now your body is on a schedule,and if you breast feed you wouldn't get your period.

  3. i have the same problem. my son is 17 months now and since i started taking the pill until now, i get 2 periods a month. my dr. thought it would get better but it didn't. i stopped taking the pill for a month and i had a very normal period.

  4. my baby is a year and its still not back to normal.... i bleed for a total of ten weeks after with maybe a few days off then would start again after that i started back to normal for a few month then when she was almost six months it stopped for almost five months then had one and now i have skipped one again. my doc said it could take up to two years

  5. Hi. First of all, congratulations on your new arrival. I totally know what your saying, my period has come back with a vengeance. I had my baby 15 weeks ago and have been bleeding ever since. Ive had the odd day "free" but the majority of the time im bleeding despite being back on the pill. I went back to my GP and he says its very normal, its just my body readjusting after delivery. Hope this helps x

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