
I've had a budgie for abot a year now, can i buy another one and put it in the same cage?

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It looks lonley so i want to get it a friend, but can this be done or will they fight? The one i've already got is in a cockatile cage so its big enough for two (i think) but would it be wrong to put another one in?

Thanks for any replys.




  1. All the people who are saying a straight out yes should elaborate on their answer.

    Budgies are very social birds and can thrive on having a companion, however, every single animal on this planet has its own personality, just like us.  No one here can answer for you whether your budgie will get along with a new cage mate, but there success with each other depends a lot on how they are introduced.  To successfully do so, follow the tips below.  The more stress your birds are under, the more defensive they will tend to be and it may lead to lashing out at the other.

    First off, ensure that your budgies are of the same gender.  Unlike most animals, males will actually get along better than 2 females, but it all depends on the gender of your current budgie.  In case you are unaware, you can determine the gender of your budgie by the colour of their cere (the band directly above their beak where their nostrils are.  A male, when mature, will have a bright blue or purple cere and mature females will have a white cere with blue hues or a crusty brown cere when in breeding condition.

    To merge them responsibly, I would suggest getting the new budgie in a seperate cage (maybe see if you can borrow one from someone).  When you bring any animal home, they should have a chance to settle into the house by themselves in a quiet and secure place with minimal handling anyhow.  Allow 48-36 hours by itself in the new cage in a quiet setting to get accustomed to the new smells, sights and sounds of its new home.  Moving can be extremely stressfull for birds so it is important you try to reduce stress as much as possible.

    After the 48-36 hours, introduce the birds together, a little at a time, over at least a week if not several and do so in a neutral environment, NOT in your original bird's cage.  Make sure that you supervise these introductions closely.  They may nip at each other a bit, but do not inturupt that.  Only stop in if they start to make any noise of distress or if one is attempting to flee from the other.  

    After you have slowly introduced them, a bit at a time, over 1-3 weeks and they are getting along, wash your entire cage very well including all perches, toys and food containters to remove the scent of your original bird.  This will limit the need for your original bird to be territorial and aggressive.

    When you move them into the cage together, supervise them for the first while to ensure there are no territorial issues.  

  2. no probs,,but make sure theyre the same s*x, unless you wants eggs !! and maybe little uns x

  3. Yes- they are like so many in life- they need company.  

  4. Ye, I think its a good idea to get another budgie because it will be good company for your other budgie.

    Hope this helped.

  5. Budgies are very sociable - i actually think its pretty mean only having one... the the wild they live in large flocks!

    My grandad kept about 10 all together, mixed sexes, and he never had any eggs laid - they need a nest site before they try mating.

    I don't think it will be any problem.

    My only concern is illnesses - you are better off buying a second cage and keeping the new one in quarantine... you don't want it passing things to your budgie.

    Keep it across the room and use good hygiene between interacting with each - they can also socialise from across the room. After a month if the new one doesn't seem ill at all, then you can mix them - but be prepared to ssplit them up just incase they do start fighting.

  6. Yes, this will be absolutely fine. They won't fight. I don't really think you need to get one that's the same s*x either, but you can if you want to be on the safe side.

    Edit- When I say they won't fight I don't mean they won't have the occasional squabble. This is perfectly natural and you don't need to worry about it. It's true that male budgies are more easy-going than females. If you have a male and a female together the female will tend to boss the male around but she won't do him any harm. Unlike most other birds, budgies are not territorial. In my experience, getting them to lay eggs is actually very hard but I have heard that other people couldn't get them to stop.

  7. yes just keep an eye on them for a few days to check they don't fight

  8. Hi,

    I can't really say it all depends on your bird, and all birds are different. But yeah i am sure that it would except another bird as company if you are worried then try and get a temporary cage (borrow one por something) and place the new bird in it next to the other cage this way they can see each otherf without being able to get to each other, and then just see if they show any signs of aggression. If not then  put them in the same cage.

  9. yes you should get another budgie,,they love to have a companion,good luck and enjoy thier antics as they get to know each other,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. Ask a pet store to be on the safe side but I had hamsters and people said they would fight but they never did, so if you do just keep an eye on them for a bit.

  11. No, not if they are a different gender. If it is a male and a female in the same cage, the female won't let the male eat and he will starve. They will also fight. I don't know what would happen if it they are the same gender.

    Try putting the new budgie in a different cage and putting it right next to your old budgie.  I did that with my rabbits to introduce them, and when I brought my kittens home to all my other pets.

    Hope this helps!


  12. My advise is yes, they indeed do fight. You wouldn't expect it but birds are actually very territorial. If you want to keep your little feather buddies safe i would buy another cage.


    If you really really want your birdie to have a friend, then buy another cage and put the 2 cages next to each other so the 2 birds can really get to know each other, then when you think they are finally used to each other put the new little bird in the old cage and sell the new cage so that you can earn more money and your old birdie will be happy. :)

  13. Plenty of good advice above, but can I suggest you contact your local animal rescue centre to see if they have budgies needing good homes?

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