
I've had a viral infection for nearly two weeks?

by  |  earlier

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chills, body aches, some naseua, much longer will this last for and is there anything I can do to speed up the recovery process. I've been told that medicine doesn't help




  1. If it's a viral infection that hasn't went away within 7 days, then you may want to see the doctor. It could be something wrong. Maybe the flu or even something else. Yea, definitely see your doctor to rule out anything serious.

  2. you should go see your doctor. I had the same thing and my doctor gave me something. Made me better really fast. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. if it's not a bad case of the flu or something else. maybe visit your doc

  4. It could be something serious...

    go to a doctor and get some tests done to see if you have a "serious" viral infection. or just try and wait it out. rest, sleep.

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