
I've had bad gas for weeks, is this a sign of the devil?

by Guest21288  |  earlier

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because people are starting to make funny faces when they come around me... plus they start cursing more readily! Oh my god! Am I the Anti-Christ!?




  1. no..........take beano and dont swear...

  2. Your avatar looks like Simon Cowell.  So, I must say, I found your question boring, pitchy, and quite frankly, more appropriate for a karaoke performance.

  3. Lucifer, Mexican food IS the work of the devil..

    Duh. :P

  4. yes... bad gas is the sign of the devil, LOL this is so dumb, sorry I'm not usually mean but really I am guessing no IT'S GAS look into biology please you'll understand better... don't think the bible shows you how the human body works.

  5. no

  6. I wouldn't rule it out.

    On the other hand, perhaps the flatulence is Satan being expelled from your body by the Holy Spirit.

  7. if mexican food caused your gas, does that mean satan is mexican???

  8. take gas-x and cut it out

  9. No, it's a sign of bad food.. Love thy neighbour and do something about that gas.

  10. no, but you're making fun of my beliefs.  I wouldn't make fun of yours.

  11. I think it's a sign you need to cut down on the spicy takeaway, mate.

  12. H-Pylori

    need meds.  

  13. Why don't you grow up you disgusting troll

  14. Yes, yes it is the Devil.


  15. get some beano !

    I can smell your f**t all the way here!

  16. can i smell it?

  17. people like you are so freaking stupid always thinking the smallest things are acts of the devil....... you are retarded if you think bad gas is the devils work when its the work of mexican food

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