
I've had it with my 8 yr old child!!!?

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I need help correcting my daughters behavior. She does not listen to anyone and does what she wants, when she wants and never thinks of the consequences. She stays in trouble and punished at home, school, and daycare. She has a sever case of ADHD as well so she is very hyper-active. We has tried spanking her, writing lines, taking away toys, tv, computer, gave her timeouts, run laps, and do chores. She never cares about anything she doe,s and no punishment affects her in anyway. Its like she has no conscience. She is 8 years old and destroys the house when we do give her chores, and never does any chores. she will play around and never get them done. Can someone please help a father.




  1. call supernanny!! lol

  2. Okay, you've taken away her things?  How soon did you give them back?   Seriously, the next day?  Anyway, take EVERYTHING away from her bedroom except her bed and ONE change of clothes for the next day.  Maybe a couple of books for something to do. Each day give her a fresh change of clothes.  Confine her to  her room to do her  homework and tell her she can EARN the right to come out.   Keep her confined except for school, meals and bathroom for a week and tell her that if she can behave during that week, then she can come out of her room and watch TV with the family.  If she acts up on coming out of her room, send her back IMMEDIATELY.  Then try again.  Slowly allow her the priveledge of joining in family leisure time.  Slowly give her things back.  Literally one at a time.  Maybe one thing a week.  

    This may all sound harsh, but I have a MA in Psychology and have worked in a children's home.  My neighbors kid had this kind of problem.  He was exactly how you described your child.  Turned out it wasn't ADHD at all, but Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  They did the exact thing I told you to do, and now he's a totally different kid!

  3. Wow this sounds terrible.  I have no idea what to do because she does not care at all.  Next time, send her to bed without food, she might change because that is something that she needs.  .

  4. You should get her Nanny 911 or something like that!!

  5. tell her this is the last time your going to put up with it or your going to send her away!

    what my father done when i was young and a little tike was either send me away to boot camp, catcus or out in the forest where no homes are near!

    give her somethings and drop her off at a place in the forest or park and waht from some where were she can't see you. once she sets up camp you do  to or granpa, husband anyone like that? Don't let her see your tent and she will soon want to come home leave her their for the night while you being there without her knowing and she will most  probly be crying too come home! the next day pack up and not to far away but near her have a picnic or something with your family, when she comes to see whats going on pretend that you don't care much, when she relises that she misses you she will come back into your arms! Lay down the rules right there and then on the conditions of her rerturn home and if she starts to act up again start packing her bag that will start to freak her out and she will stop being the one to control and take her place as the child!

  6. If you believe that your daughter has ADHD then you should talk to your doctor about that and get her appropriate help.  Please remember that a lot of her behavior is happening because kids with ADHD are impulsive.  They lack the capability to stop and think things through.  It's harder for them.  I'm not saying she has no control over her behavior, but I am saying that she has a hard time controlling it herself.  If you have her evaluated by a psychologist and get her treatment they will be able to teach her to self monitor and teach you how to deal with her behavior effectively.  I can tell you are obviously very frustrated.  Medication can help to so you can talk to your regular doctor.

  7. i say beat her... no im kidding... umm put her on pillz.... and take evrything away from her that she likes (tv... computer...etc)  and keep it that way until she knows how to act... TRY counceling 2.... with u and her cuz maybe she got a problem wit u 2

  8. Try reading the book " Have a new kid by Friday" I hear it is wildly successful when all else fails.

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