
I've had my dog for 3 years and have not spayed her yet. She only goes outside to go potty. ?

by  |  earlier

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Should I get her spayed? I hear it will help calm her tempermant down.




  1. not only is it supposed to calm a pet down, but according to my vet  and most importantly it is a preventative measure for the dog of having cancer. also, you wouldn't have to worry about a mess when she has her period.

  2. 4 Reasons to spay a female dog:

    4. Eliminates the possibility of any more unwanted dogs being created for shelters to euthanize.

    3. Calms her temperment.

    2. Eliminates the messiness of the female's heat cycle.

    And the number 1 reason to spay your female dog (if you really love her) is...

    1. It reduces the chances of cancer in your beloved pet!

  3. I was debating about this also, my shih-tzu is 15 months old & has gone in heat twice. I wasn't planning on her having any litters, but didn't want the risk of mammary cancer, etc. But I researched this & even asked my vet, & found that after 3+ heat cycles, spaying your dog only decreases the risk of these diseases by a VERY SMALL percentage. It would have made a bigger difference if you had spayed her when she was younger.

    I had my dog spayed anyway, just 3 days ago, hoping it would calm her down (she is a good dog but she chases lizards every time we go outside & barks at strangers etc), but she is still barking at the doorbell & still chasing lizards. Hasn't changed her temperment at all...!

    I guess it depends on the dog. She is healing nicely though which was another thing I was worried about since she is only 7lbs.

  4. Yes that will help to a degree, but it really depends on the breed with her energy level... It's also good to have dogs spayed, I mean it doesn't take longer than 30 seconds for a male dog to get her preg. w/ puppies!

    Good Luck!

  5. yes.

    its healthier for them if you don't plan to breed them.

    Less mess and a calmer pooch is worth it

  6. Yes.  

  7. I highly recommend you to have her spayed.  Ask any Vet. & they will tell you that it's a fact that spayed or neuterd dogs are healthier.

  8. fix that bonch

  9. My question to you is: is there a reason you haven't gotten her spayed?

    I would recommend getting her spayed as soon as possible.  It may calm her a bit, especially because she won't be going into heat, but it doesn't change their personalities much.  It has major health benefits however.

  10. YES, get her spayed. If the dog is not used for breeding she can get really sick from not being spayed. The can get uterus infections and brest cancer and she may even die from this. I have seen this happen. Please get her spayed.

  11. yes it usually helps calm them down.  but so does lots of exercise.

    vet says that there are a lot of health problems relieved by spaying which is the reason i had mine spayed.  she also never goes outside without me.

  12. It would be beneficial for your pet to get spayed...

    unless she is a show dog and from good bloodlines - tested

    then she's okay to get bred but otherwise ... i would spay her

    why add to the millions of dogs in the shelters

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