
I've had my period for over 20 days. What could be wrong??

by Guest60102  |  earlier

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I called my doctor to make an appointment, but since she's always booked the next appointment isn't until mid month next month. I've had my period for a little over 20 days, it's been light to the point where I think it's gone at some points but then it's right back again. I'm on YAZ and I've been on it since December, I only usually have my period for like 5 days. I'm really frustrated and am wondering if this has happened to anyone else...or what could possibly be wrong. I'm going nuts here!




  1. Hmmm Dont take NO for an answer from your dr.. If you have to go to the emergency... You can have many things wrong or not... could be a from your birth control not be strong enough to you having endometriosis, uterine fibroids,  to even a miscarriage.. could be  ANYTHING.. Best advice is to get to a dr as soon as possible  It can happen and does happen...

    Best of luck


  3. You could be pregnant & something went wrong & are bleeding internally.

    Go the the emergency room right away!

  4. yes its happened to other people. can you see another doctor?

  5. i dont believe that, wont believe that that us

  6. You should see a different doctor, because yahoo people aren't going to give you the explanation that you should have from a doctor. That is very serious.

  7. go to a gynecologist  like really soon

  8. You need to get in to see a doctor as soon as possible. You may have cysts. My mom had that and she had cysts in her uterus. The birth control pills unfortunately act as food for the cysts and cause them to get even worse.  

  9. Alright... well there's not much you can do right now until you get to the appointment. Obviously one reason is that you have some kind of hormonal imbalance to cause such a long period. I don't know if it's directly related to the pill, since you started taking that quite awhile ago. Most likely, you have endometriosis. It's a relatively common condition as it affects between 5 and ten percent of women in the world. It is a condition characterized by growth beyond or outside the uterus of tissue that resembles the tissue normally lined inside the uterus. Some women let this condition go on for years without treatment, so they sometimes need surgery to remove the tissue or entire uterus in rare cases. Since you are going to the doctor right away, you will be prescribed a medication, and possibly switch to a different contraception. Good luck til the appointment finally arrives!

  10. HOLY COW-BOLLY!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? idk just go the doctor and tell them what's wrong that's what i would do if i were you!! just go go go!!!!

  11. wow

  12. different birth controls...can cause your body to have your period for longer or shorter amounts of time.  It's one of the side effects.  There was one that I had taken that caused me to be on my period until I stopped it may be a side effect of the YAZ.

  13. My Aunt had something similar...she got her period for weeks at a time... she ended up having to get surgery.

  14. it can be a open wound inside your v****a, dont have s*x  for a wile and hopefully it will heel up

  15. im 19 years old, my period was like that, the last one i had that was irregular lasts well over a month and it freaked me out but other than the bleeding and having to buy pads i felt fine, i finally was able to go to the doctor and he put me on birth control to regulate my period and so far so good, i have had two regular periods in a row so far ^_^

    i was not on any medication i only took Excedrin for headaches

    do not just ask for the pill though you have to talk to your doctor and he/she will determine what it is and treat you because it is possible it is something else.

  16. You need to call the doctors back and tell them that you have been bleeding for almost a month now and need to be seen right away.  If they don't get you in within the next couple days go to the hospital, something could really be wrong.

  17. if the doctor is fully booked call a duty doctor or a health line  otherwise i dont have any solutions or anything but just try not to worry

    hope i helped :D x

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