
I've had some unusual pains lately and.... ?

by  |  earlier

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I think it was 2 nights ago, I woke up with this really sharp pain that on a scale of 1-10 was a 10. The pain was down in my lower abdomin...... and then last night i woke up with a sharp pain like where my heart is....... and it hurt when i would breathe but if i wasn't breathing in or out it didn't hurt........ and it doesn't hurt now....... idk i'm worried...... anyone know what could be happening? Could i have just had like heartburn? or have something goin on with my lungs?




  1. i have the same pain right now and i don't wanna scare you but i had to go to the emergency room. but it was nothing though. the doctor just told me that i had an inflammation and it hurts when you breath because the diaphragm expands when you breath. but it should go away in a week or so. call your doctor to give you a prescription for a drug to gert the inflammation to go down and lay on the side that it hurts the most it will help tons. but if you develop a fever with the pain or feel sick go to the hospital right away.

  2. lower abdomin= period?

    heart= b*****s r growing?

    breathing= idk.

  3. honestly, if it is coming and going, (not constant) it is probably gas or heartburn.  Try to take tums or an h2 like tagament or pepcid before bed tonight. and also try to eat dinner like 4 hours before laying down to sleep. Hope this helps.

  4. I get the same kinda pains and i tell my mum about it and she says their growing pains and period pains. Im not entirely sure, so im going to book an appointment to see my GP maybe you should too x

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