
I've had this dream 3 nights in a row...Do you think it means something?

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I've had this exact same dream for 3 nights in a row and have woken up around the same time each morning..


My friend Chelsea is spending the night at my house and we look at the clock and it says 2:22 am, [each dream it's a different time, but close to it- like 2:25 am], and Chelsea says

"I think I'm gonna go to bed know."

So I jump on my bed and get tucked in, and Chelsea goes to the bathroom [in my room] and takes her contacts out. I here a knock on the front door and it's quite noisy and obnoxious.. Chelsea's still in the bathroom like she didn't hear it at all. I go downstairs and no one's at the door.

When I turn around there's a big guy with a blade and an AK47 on his belt and he puts his hand over my mouth and tells me to shut up and come with him or else he'll kill me straight there. He was heading to my room.. the only source of light.

I did as he said and walked a couple steps then I bit his hand and he let go. I have sharp canine teeth.




  1. You play too much counter-strike. Period.

    Anyways, it might mean that you're feeling a bit insecure about your house.

    Try asking your parents (Or making yourself) to buy some alarms and stuff :P

  2. this might mean that you have a fear of dying

    this might come out to be embarassing towards me but if i helps you okay

    i used to have dreams of being beat and thrown in a dumpster

    when i woke up i pissed all overmyself

    i would usally wake up around 4:45am

    and a couple of days after there were some people muging me near a resturaunt dumpster


  4. it could mean that you have very scary emotions, or you are already in fear, you should also try to keep your freind close to see if her emotions have changed. be careful and make sure you are not the only one in the house

  5. That you saw blood in the dream makes it null and void so this dream foretells nothing except that if you are preoccupying yourself with sights of violence, you need to tone down and if you have forgotten to thank God for his blessings on you, do so now.  That's all.


  6. scary.

    well don't answer your door at 2 in the morning..

    thats what your dream means..

  7. you have weird dreams?

    well, idk but it seems that you have a really good imagination.

    I think it is really scary so I think something is going to happen to you really bad, so i think you should keep your friend Chelsea close and don't open the door a 2:00 in the morning.

  8. some dream.lets hope this one does not become reality.

  9. The only thing I can say is stay on point.

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