
I've had this dream quite a few times......?**meaning**?

by  |  earlier

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This man comes to my house and either tries to kill or kidnap me and if he kidnaps me he tortures me, this always takes place at night (in my dream) however I always end up escaping or killing him and on one occasion he kidnaps my sister but I manage to save her. During the dream I am aware that this is going to happen but I do nothing to prevent it from occurring, I am also in a terrified state during the whole dream.

Does this dream have any meaning?




  1. dreams dont really have meanings man their all fucked up i had a dream when i swallowd my keys and chocked then i woke up choking like in the films lol.

    the thing is u can't prevent them i once pinced myself in the dream so i would wake up but it didn't work. my freind said if u hold ur breath then u would wake up cos it happened to him but i'm not sure and i would say don't do it.

    and also nightmares are much better than sleep paralysis lol their scary

  2. Maybe you have become resigned to the idea that relationships are bound to hurt. The idea that real love hurts is one a lot of people have, when quite the reverse is true.  This is about self torture - although not to that extent!!  Agonising over things, when sometimes the only thing to do is to move on, cutting your losses and accepting the ending. Endings are good in one way because they always make way for a new beginning.

  3. well maybe you have feelings of entrapment or being in a cycle that you feel you are unable to get out of.

    I would say however that this is more of an 'anxiety' dream.

    You are stressed about something.

  4. you need to relax, maybe your feel tied down or hemmed in, take a break and go for a walk to help you unwind

  5. Sweetheart , did you have any horrible memories since  childhood where you were required to do something against your wish by an elderly person ? Or you have some traumatic experience which is getting manifested by such dreams ? Only way to tell with some certainty is to do narco analysis where your subconscious mind is allowed to come out with hidden truths.

  6. woah....

  7. I have violent dreams when I’m under stress or something bad may happen in the future. I’m never really the victim though. I think in your dream you act afraid because that’s what you would do in real life.

  8. You may have opened doorways into your life that needs closing. I am talking about spiritual things. With God comes peace. Fear is not of God. Seek God.

    The Bible says Do not be anxious about anything but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the Peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4 verse 6&7

    It also says He will keep you in Perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee. Trust in the Lord forever and he will be your rock. Isaiah26 verse 3 & 4

    I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me. I WILL NOT FEAR the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. Psalm 3verse 5

    I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4 verse 8.

    Hope this will help you.

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