
I've had unexplainable hives for a week. Not allergy related. Will they ever go away or am I stuck with...?

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chronic urticaria now?




  1. My mum had this a little while ago...Her's were stress related we think.

    I'm not sure where your from but she went to a Chinese doctor and he gave her tablets to take and it cleared it right up, she also had these weird clove like things to put in a bath.

  2. About a month ago, my husband began to have hive like bumps pop up all over the inside of his forearms.  He ignored it because they were not itchy and not symptomatic of a rash.  After two weeks, as they began to pop up on his stomach, chest, back and legs, we decided it was time to see a dermatologist.  They took a biopsy because they could not diagnose the bumps by looking at them (they almost resembled a very mild case of chiken pox, but not blister-like.)  Some of them developed a little white head and some didn't.  But they weren't pimples.

    The lab results came back saying the bumps were folliculitis - the same thing as a razor bump, but with infectious bacteria in the follicle.  The cause is either bacteria or fungus and the treatment depended on the cause.  But the reason they spread was because if he scratched one, the bacteria would spread to other hair follicles, causing more bumps.

    The condition was not itchy 99% of the time.  He was prescribed a topical steroid to clear up the problem and kill the bacteria.

    I'm not saying this is your condition, but definitely check to see if any changes have been made to laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, etc., within the last two weeks.  If they don't itch, then they are not likely hives or an allergic reaction, since allergic reactions are typically caused by histamines and these tend to itch.

    Good luck!

  3. In my experience, hives are almost always allergy related.  It's possible that you're allergic to something and just haven't figured it out yet.  In any case, having them for this long means something's wrong (they're an immune system reaction against something), and you should really go see a doctor.  Even if they can't figure out what's causing the hives, they should be able to give you something to decrease the severity.

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