
I've have psychic dreams- normal?

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It's happened before. I've had dreams about who wins the presidential elections, american idol, and they all came true. i also have frequent deja vu. Is this coincidental premonition? or may i have something special. I have this nagging feeling like i have the potential for something like that. I just really want to know.




  1. it happen to me too i called it dream vision,

    it happen to me all the time, like the last time when i dream that i saw a brown dog get hit by a car and died and it came true, (i became upset about that because it my dog that ran away after my brother forgot to put the lease on)

  2. my mom is like that although she usually sees wen bad stuff is going to happen. she fortold her own death (although a miricale saved her) and so many other things. u r very special and i doubt u can get rid of these powers and at least ure visions arnt horrible like my moms.

  3. Cool Beans. I have the same problem and have been wondering the same thing. Only my dreams are bad dreams like the brakes going out in my van on the way to work, my dad dying, and me getting fired from my favorite job. They all happened in real life the exact way it happened in my dream. I wish I could dream what the next lottery numbers were going to be, but my dreams scared me to where I have spent the last ten years trying not to sleep enough to dream. I have found out recently that it is something we all have in us, but not many know how to tap into it. It is a right brain left brain thing. If you figure out how to control it let me know. You have tremendous potential, just follow that guiding voice inside.

  4. Ya, i had them weekly as a child but they only happen now once per year. the weird part is sometimes they'll happen to people i barely even know, and then I'll hear about it happening and be kinda shocked, partly because one that happened recently was something pretty heavy..

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