
I've having weird typing and mouse highlighting issues that are impossible to describe here, so please read?

by  |  earlier

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This is getting to be a really weird problem. xD

I'm not even completely sure which part of the computer category to put this question in.

Right now-

It suddenly started working somewhat normally so I could log on and ask if anyone might have a clue of what in the world is wrong.

Right now I can't type a colon or the little arrow symbols on the period and comma buttons....and I can't type the capital letters to some keys like b,o,h,k, etc...

The mouse problem - Whenever I click on something, it highlights it. It makes it impossible to click on some things...

The keyboard problem - It mainly acts weird with the numbers and special symbols.

If I try to press the number three at the top of the keyboard, it will show a #

If I tried to type a period I just got the little arrow, but now it's switched and I can't type the arrow. If I tried to type with the other period button(to type in the .com of a website address) would first appear as a period....but then it'd turn into the same arrow on the other button.

I couldn't type some capital letters and still can't, but now it's changed to different letters than before.

It's not something wrong with the keyboard, itself, though...I tried using the on screen keyboard and it did the same thing.

please help if you have any clue of what might be wrong.




  1. is this just happening now or has this been happening for a while? try restarting the computer.

    if you have a wireless keyboard and mouse they could be interfearing with wifi or other electrical devices.....

    good luck.

  2. Well, I cant give you a direct answer, but it almost sounds like you have have number lock on, or something to that affect. Hope that helps!

  3. I am 100% sure you shift key on your keyboard is stuck shift + 3 = # shift click with a mouse highlights try disconnecting your keyboard and useing your mouse i bet it stops. It sounds like the keyboard needs to be replaced.  

  4. With your mouse problem, check your mouse settings. On the keyboard, it seems like you just have your "caps lock" on. On the upper far right of your keyboard check if the light on top of the "caps lock" word is on then that is the problem. If not then your "shift" key might be stucked.

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