
I've heard Capricorn likes to rule?

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I have read in numerous places that Capricorns like to control. People and situations. I'm not saying all Capricorns do, but would you say that people with strong Capricorn tendencies like to control others to the point where they enjoy it when someone fears them?




  1. capricorn is a sign of LIMITATION  distant lonely isolated cold  dark black and  very very independent  they rule the most important part of life death and posthumosity thats all

  2. unexperience/ineffectual capricorn is not good.......but one that knows what he/she is doing is best left to direct.....capricorns really do not enjoy directing more than the aries.....if you think you can do better than someone cappy /your cappy partner, take it up with them....they will compare your qualifications with theirs fairly, and if you truly are better, cappy will usually be happy to let you take over....often times that is not the case......cappies may tend to direct certain things, b/c they do do it better, but at the same time, 2 cappies get along beautifully.

  3. I don't know about the fear part but caps are control freaks.  I'm seeing one for the last 5 years and while he's come a long way in learning that not everyone is capable of operating up to the standards or methods he expects and just because someone does things or learns things difrently from him also doesn't mean they can't be good at what you need them to do.

    However, he is still very controlling almost to an obsessive level and likes things to be a certain way but its only because he cares.  He gets super invovled with my life and finanaces and while it can annoy the heck out of me I know that at the end of the day its only because he just wants whats best.  I've found that the control is more loyalty based and is triggered by those things he cares about, whether its his job performance, family/friends, or the things he owns.

  4. Yes. My brother is a Cappy and he is very controlling  (IMO he is  an @$$hole). I have also worked with some Cappy's who had this complex about being in charge when they really didn't have the authority to be in charge and they would really try to over dominate you too.  I wonder what else was in their chart to make them that way because the other Cappy's that I know aren't like that at all.  

  5. Yes I think so because i'm am a Capricorn,

    and I know it's bad but I like to control others and love when someone fears me

  6. True. We can function best, when we are 'in control'. Sometimes there's no room for other people or opinions other than ours. We are dictators. However, we do have a 'soft' spot once in a while, particularly when it comes to kids ( ours or better yet other peoples' kids lol ), pets and less privileged people, and when we hit rock bottom and learn the hard way, or when we get older, or become more spiritual which we do eventually.

  7. yes they're very bossy hahahaha. but they do care about you. they just want and expect the best from and for you. if they don't care at all they wouldn't waste time. i'm seeing a capricorn right now! and i love him! =D despite his controlling tendencies. i know he's just trying to look out for him because he's very protecting. =)  

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