
I've heard a lot of negative things about being a female in the marines.. What is true and what is not??

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  1. I think you need to find the MOS you want or qualify for. I mean, I really think it would depend on what job you were doing. If you were just doing personel and working in an office, I am sure you would be treated fine. Immature girls who graduate high school and think the Marines will be a cakewalk are the ones who are spreading these negative "things." Talk a woman who has been enlisted in the Marines for awhile doing the job you want to do. I am sure your recruiter could set something like that up.  

  2. As a female Marine myself I have seen and heard plenty of stories about women in the Marine Corps.  It is much the same as it would be in college, high school, etc.  Of course you have some bad apples who once they get the rumor mill going that it gives us all a bad name but for the most part Women Marines are just as capable as the males are.  Its difficult sometimes because if you go into a shop where there was a female before you that left a bad impression then you have to work twice as hard just to be considered equal.  

    Something that is equally disturbing to me is the sexual double standard set by society and the societal expectation that men can be Casanovas while women who enjoy s*x are referred to (as someone so graciously put it on here) s***s.  It really isn't fair to judge a woman because she enjoys s*x.  Especially if the woman is passing all her marksmanship tests, does a good job in her MOS, and is a productive team member.  Her business is and should stay her business.  But unfortunately there are females who do use their sexuality to benefit them and it does damage the reputations of all the WM's, not just theirs.

    My advice to you is to be true to yourself, maintain your integrity (after all, you have to look at yourself in the mirror), do your job and do it VERY well, stay motivated, and dont let drama run your life.  Be yourself and enjoy what the Corps has to offer!  Always remember...we are the FEWER and the PROUDER.  Good luck to you.  If you ever have any questions you can email me anytime.

    Great answers gm1975 and chestypuller!  Couldnt have said it better myself!

  3. Well if it's anything like they say about females in the Navy Yea but I dont think soo Depends what you heard.

    Navy women there are only two types in my eyes the s***s and the Bit**. The Bit** are only that way because the dont want to be taged as s***s

  4. Well what have you heard??

    Ill go out on a limb and say that its not true..

  5. That chestpullerlives guy scares me - I thinke he's a predator.

    Be careful with that weirdo.

  6. I have known women in the Marines and in other branches. Each branch has its own level of acceptance and treatment of women. In reality in many ways the military is still considered a boys club. In the military women are more accepted in certain roles than in others. For example, the Air Force is more accommodating to women than the Army or the Marines. I personally believe the reason is the Army and the Marines roles are more combat oriented that pertain to spending weeks in the field at a time. This is not an attractive view towards women. So the women that spend weeks at a time in the field with the Army or Marines are also viewed as not attractive for submitting themselves to such living conditions. This is jus my opinion from what I have seen.

  7. Most things you've heard are rumors. The vast majority of the females that serve in the Marines do an exceptional job. There are the few--just like there are a few men--that don't meet expectations and I think it is those few that generate the rumors you have heard. Women are the minority in the Corps, so those rumors are likely blown out of proportion.  

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