
I've heard bees aren't a threat at night.Occasionally I see huge bees {4x a regular bee] flying at my lights.

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They seem pretty aggresive and awake though they've never attacked me. Should I be wary?




  1. bees are directed by sunlight during the day time they are inactive during night times. u might have seen someting else.

    bees will also only attack if threatend

  2. those could be June bugs, or something else.  

    June bugs will startle me because when they fly by my head they feel like an aggressive bee or wasp.  but they are completely harmless....unless your driving a motorcycle without a shield.

  3. Are you sure their bees.. Maybe flys which are  made to look like bees or dragonflies. Look closely either way they wont harm you.

  4. Bees, wasp, hornets are not active at night.  You might be confusing something else as a bee.

    Bees do not attack people.  Bees react when threatened.

  5. You're not thinking of like, a June bug are you?

    Or maybe a Wasp/Hornet?

  6. Bees rest at night as they depend on the sun for knowing what directions to go to get nectar and pollen.  They will only come out if their hive is disturbed.

    I used this knowledge to kill a hive of Killer Bees that had taken up residence in a telephone connection box on the side of my house.  You can tell Killer Bees by observing three things:

    1. Their abdomens are slightly browner.  This may be hard to see.

    2. They build their hives close to the earth, usually less than three feet above the earth.  In my case about two feet above the ground.

    3. They typically build a hive in a small area.  In my case, a plastic telephone box about four by five inches.

    Using that identification I constructed a box, larger then the phone connection box with tape around the edges and put it over the telephone box they had taken up residence in.  I had cut two small holes in the box and sprayed a bee killer into the box and taped up the holes.  I came back the next night and did the same thing.  After a third application to be on the safe side, I removed the box and found all the bees dead .

  7. I agree with the person that said they could be hornets and not bees, is further corroboration is necessary. Some hornets look alot like giant honeybees only furrier and a thinner thorax (head, thorax, abdomen). Yes, you should be wary. Better safe than sorry. Not completely paranoid out of your mind, but not lackadaisical. Wary, yes. Perhaps turn out the light? I also agree with the other answer that states bees, hornets, and wasps should not generally be active at night. Perhaps there is a large food source nearby responsible for the bizzare activity patterns you could locate and destroy. Have the can of hornet spray at the ready.

  8. i get regular bees in my room at night if my light is on and my window open. they just fly right in and are a pain catching to release bak outside. normally they're not active at night but u do gat a stray or two appearing. i'm assuming ur exagerating on the bees size but it may be a B52. (named after an air craft because of ther size) but it's more likely that it's a wasp or hornet. does this happen regularly because if it does then it is more likely soe other species of bug that are more common to ur area and not a bee at all.

  9. you might be seeing cicadas because cicadas will be nocternal but they will mostly come to yur back porch if you leave your light on.  and plus they also might be mothes.  but you will know if it's a cicada because the males make that loud buzzing noise that you hear during the daytime to call the females.  and the males will have a white "rough rib cage" on the bottom for them to make the noise.

  10. If they're black they could be bumble bees, I've seen those get pretty big.

  11. I've never seen bees busy at night. On the other hand, wasps work overtime on my porch.

    Wasps are yellow and brown, also 4x bigger than bees. If they're building a nest, I would spray it, knock it down and keep myself safe.

    I lived in an old house where bumblebees took residence in my attic. They attacked me and my daughter one day, no provocation, on our part. My daughter was stung 3 times, I was stung all over my back, trying to protect her. I no longer allow nests of any kind, around my house.

  12. Sometimes, I also see bees at night "playing" near our lights. I think there is a hive near by and maybe they are also attracted to light just like moths and other bugs.

  13. sometimes they are bumblebees they can be very painful keep away from them

  14. Hornets of the european variety will charge lights when anywhere near their nest.  We ran into a nest of the invasive species a few years ago.  They were extremely aggressive and huge in the way you are describing.  They would sting anything that got in their way when they were flying at the light.  After the land owner got angry at being stung when he crossed in front of the headlights once (his wife and kids had been stung once or twice already) he burned the hollow tree that the nest was in.

    Other bees will swarm a light as well if the hive or colony is disturbed but generally do not bother it at other times.

    As far as people saying bees will not attack....Actually some do.  Some bees in many hives (even domestic ones) exhibit hyper aggressiveness.  It is rare enough that usually no more than a handful in a hive will do this.  However it happens.  We had a hive one time that I could not walk withing 20 feet of without getting stung.  Bees will also attack when swarming (queen leaving nest to make anew hive)  It is not extremely uncommon to be attacked for no reason at that time.  I have also on two or three occassions been bothered by extremely agressive bees after capturing the colony.  A few will sometimes lag behind and attack anything or anyone that comes near for several days to up to two weeks.  We once had a hive in the Walnt tree in front of our house that when we got the bees off the swaarm into a hive a lagger chased anyone who came into the yard around the house once or twice.  They would keep this up until exposure or stinging someone did them in.

  15. Bees are ONLY "a threat" if YOU attack or make them think you will attack them. There are NO bees on earth that look at you as a food source so they won't attack you. They will however DEFEND themselves vigorously.

  16. they could be foreign bees because where they originally come from could not be very warm as usual due to global warming has some places that used to be cold are warm and vice versa.

  17. while generally inactive at night they will swarm if disturbed.. Its also handy to know they will follow the beam of a flashlight if disturbed. ...

  18. If you live within their range you might have come across giant honeybees (Apis dorsata) which looks like, well, giant honeybees

  19. Are you sure they are bees and not Hornets?  Hornets are worse, and can be found at night as well.

  20. hmm, be careful, but if you don't provoke them they are not likely to attack you. but sitll be careful because you really never know. and FREEZE when they come near you.. just in case


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