
I've heard of a photo that was taken of someone on a jet ski surrounded by sharks. does this photo exist?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried on a few occasions to find something on snopes but haven't been able to find anything.





  2. I have seen it on the news many times. Off the coast of Florida when there is a west wind it pushes bait fish close to the shore and sharks swarm. I don't know where to find it though and I believe you will be better off searching for video of it cause they usually do it from hellicopters.

  3. Isn't it amazing what can be done with Photoshop?

  4. I do believe I got that in an e-mail once, but I do not have it anymore.

    I don't know if it was real or if it was photo-shopped...I think the latter.

  5. i agree with RKEECH

  6. Everytime you go swimming in the ocean you come within 20 yards of a shark.  You just dont know it.

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