
I've heard of selective mutism, but what is it called when you don't speak at all?

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As a little kid, I didn't use to speak--although the doctors and therapists were all telling my parents that there was no reason I shouldn't be speaking. Well, no physical or developmental reason, anyway. In fact, they told my parents that I could talk, but I refused to possibly because of the fact that my parents were trying to teach me to be bilingual at the time and I wasn't having that. Anyway, I've looked up selective mutism online and I seemed to have all the symptoms--except the fact that it's not selective. So what do you call it when you don't speak at all, just mutism? If you can recommend any sources for me about it, then thanks. I googled it and could only find the selective kind...




  1. Silence is golden

  2. yes, you are just mute, or mutism

  3. yep, just mutism or you can refer to the person as "nonverbal."

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