
I've heard of white parents adopting children of a different race.?

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I've only ever heard of one situation where a black couple adopted a white child. Do you know of any visible minorities that have adopted a caucasion child?




  1. I think the reason for this is that there are more children orphaned of other races than caucasian. When you look at African and Asian countries, there are millions of orphaned children. In the western world there are fewer caucasian children orphaned and they are usually adopted by caucasian families.

  2. i have asian neighbors that adopted a latino baby from guam

    DEE: afro-american is black you dip

    also that is a special circumstance considering that Nicole's bio father was in Lionel Richie's band and was a very good friend of his who figured Lionel could raise Nicole better because of his money

  3. yeah i have..its not that common. but as you say more white couple adopt bi-racial children that the other way around. i was adopted by a white couple and im bi-racial

  4. my brother and his wife, who are both caucasian are in the process of adopting a Korean baby. I know they will face challenges being an interracial family, but I know their adoption agency has prepared them for it, as best they can.

  5. blacks

  6. It is rare, and the reason is because there are so many children of color who need homes, and so few homes of color who want more children than they can have naturally.  These people are so often poor, and undereducated, and it is in their cultures to have their children when they are young and have lots of them, often they are stretched to feed the ones that they have.  Whereas, Caucasian couples in this country so often have only a few children, and wait until they are older to have them, then find themselves, so often, unable to do so.  They want to have children, and they are willing to open their hearts to any child, so they take the (often less wanted, there fore more available) minority children.

    This is NOT intended, in any way to dis the people who are of color and have NOT got huge families, and are well off.  Just a statistical set of facts...there's more of it.  And it is NOT in any way a judgement on anyone's cultural beliefs.  Just facts.

  7. I'm Asian and was adopted by a white family. Yes, you're absolutely right....I've rarely ever seen a family other than Caucasian adopt other races.  I've only ever seen it once.  I went to college with this very tall, lean white girl who had blonde hair & blue eyes.  When I met her parents, they were both Asian.  It was the first time I'd ever seen the reverse of my situation!

  8. i don't think it matters if you are adopting a white or black child, what is the most important thing is to give them a loving home and keep them safe.

    as well if you have different race than the child you must tell them were they came from and tell them of there nationality's.

    that is important.

  9. need to open ur eyes more, for this isn't a question that need be asked. even though its understood ur not racist, not saying u r

    anyway, i have been across some white family that adopted a colored child from sierra leone. it is seldom but not extremely rare

    it is a beautiful thing to see

    And in answering ur question, haven't u ever heard of Nicole Richie??? Nicole Richie ain't "black" by the way. if u do the research she is part latina, afroamerican, and white.


    Dee? Dee? Dee!

    don't need to get all prissy w/ me.  calmada m'jita

    check this out

    that's proof, happy? don't want to hear anymore yappin' :P :)

  10. Honestly I'm African American and in my own community where my mom worked in protective services and foster care/adoption black people as a whole very rarely adopt peroid no matter what race.....if we do adopt the child 9 times out of ten is black

  11. I think given overwhemling amount of children of variety of cultural backgrounds and skin colours, visible minorities may have a better chance to have a child of their same ethnicity.  (see I am not saying "race" it is an outdated term)

    Caucasian PAP are dealing with a limited amount of children who are the same skin colour (now does anyone here want to look deeper at WHY there are more visible minoritiy children available, is it systemic discrimination, dominant caucasian culture leading overrepresentation of visible minorities in poverty etc. etc. etc.)  Thus Caucasian PAP will likely have to adopt outside their culture.

    Also, Caucasian PAP are more dominant in adopting children internationally.

  12. I am Hispanic and adopted a Caucasion boy....

  13. I have, my friend who is African-American adopted a Caucasion child when she learned the child family abused her.  I think others do as well, and some don't really want to make it public.

  14. I know an African American couple and an African American single mom who both adopted a causcasion child.  Your point is valid there are way more causcasion couples adopting African American children.  i don't know why.  I would love to see more diverse families on both sides.

  15. It is true you do see more whites with adopted minority children, then you do see blacks ( or other minorities) with a white  child. That said there are some out there. Whites make up the largest portion of adoptive parents.   There is a small percentage of blacks even adopting black children.  If a black couple who was adopting specifically wanted a black baby young child or a child mixed with black, they would have a much higher chance of getting one. Then a white couple hoping to adopt a white young child or baby, since white babies and children under a certain age are the highest in demand.

    I read  an article a few months ago of this 18 year old white girl who had been adopted by a single black mother.

    The article was talking about how it was 10 years later. It was a very interesting article and it really made it look like, that though whites adopting minority children is “grand”, that some seemed to frown on it if the roles are reversed and its minorities adopting white children.   The article has some statistics of 11,000 Michigan adoptions from 2001 to 2005, only 78 blacks adopted white children, while you have 667 whites adopt black children or children mixed with black.

    Check it out  Go to a search engine and paste or type  in Love is colorblind

    Black family's adoption of a white girl made national news in 1997, but they've proved family ties cross cultural divide

    Dee is right Nicole is multiracial.

  16. A black friend of mine almost adopted white twin girls.  They ended up having more medical problems then she could handle as a single mother so she had to pass but she was very close to finalizing.  But no that is not very common at all.  I think it all goes back to supply and demand.  The 'supply' of adoptable children is made up more of minority children but the 'demand' is highest for white babies.  At least that's how it is where we live.

  17. now that i think of it.. no i never have, i've seen caucasion couples adopting both black or white kids, but i've only ever seen black couple adopting black kids. yeah i've never even thought of that before

  18. i've heard of caucasian couples adopting a black child, but unfortunately not vice versa...

    i never thought of it...

    but yeah...

    no never heard of a black couple adopting a white child...

    i wonder why...

  19. I've known black parents who adopted a Cambodian child...  Often when white people (or any people for that matter) adopt children of another race, the child is from another country.

  20. I know of a caucasion woman who was adopted by a Chinese-American family.  She was bought up as part of both cultures.

  21. Hey, dee? no one says "colored" any more. Seriously.

    I think the reason most black people adopt black children is because they have a deep pride in their race and heritage. white people just don't have the same feelings about our skin color, and the ones that do take to the KKK extreme.

    disclaimer- all the above is a generalization. i do not mean that anything i have said applies to EVERYONE. thankyou.

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