
I've heard "Spring Cleaning" many times, when exactly is that supposed to take place?

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I'm cleaning right now and it would totally motivate me more if I could call it "Spring Cleaning." But I never know what time that's supposed to be. Before Spring? During Spring?




  1. Most of the time Spring Cleaning takes place in Spring, after Winter.  Mainly because that is when the air becomes fresh, flowers began to bloom, and the air gets lighter and the weather tends to start warming.  We get Spring Fever and feel more inclined to do SOMETHING like clean out our Winter Caves and brush the cobwebs and dust bunnies out into the great outdoors.  Spring Cleaning can really anytime you want it to be, but most people like to do it when they can open the windows and air out the beds, the house, the linens and so on and before the heat of summer is on.  Around here, we try and schedule really hot chores around the weather a bit, no one likes to be pulling weeds in hot sun pouring down on you.  And I don't like having the house opened up to 100 degree air.  The thing is, if I have time to do SOMETHING, I need to figure out the weather, and what I can do in the time I have available.  If its going to be hot out, I may schedule stuff for in the basement to work on, as its nice and cool down there, and if its going to be rainy and steamy, I may do a hall closet instead, in the ac.  But you can Spring Clean or call it Spring Cleaning to get across to others you are having a major cleaning session and they will understand what you mean.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  2. Anytime you want it to be. The only reason it was called spring cleaning is in the old days a home would get really dirty over the winter being  inside mostly and with fire places it would get in the rugs and such and come spring time woman would go through the whole house cleaning it up and taking the rugs out side to beat the dirt out of them and so fourth. Nowadays spring cleaning is anytime we want it to be.

  3. Most of spring cleaning happens when you start to put away your winter attire. While you are putting winter stuff away and getting spring/summer stuff out you just go along cleaning! I don't know anyone who really does this, but if it helps you to call it spring cleaning, then call it spring cleaning! I call all of my major cleaning expeditions spring cleaning. that I think of it maybe it's not spring like the season but spring like spring into action! Either way, if the house gets cleaned and you feel good about doing it then who cares what you call!!!!! =)

  4. I don't think it matters as long as it's near spring?

    I think it's during...

  5. uh in the spring after winter and before June 21  when summer starts.

  6. When ever you want, it's referring to cleaning springs (an old watch maker's term).

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