
I've heard stories about underground bases and tunnels under most parts of the U.S., what do you think?

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I've heard this from quite a few sources, and it kinda makes sense, there has also been people claiming they have witnessed this and have observed the dump trucks going to and from these tunnels that lead to the bases. I just want to know if anyone on here has had experiences similar to these.




  1. Absolutely.  It's where they keep all of the UFOs we have captured (Area 51 is a front) and its also where we filmed the fake moon landing you have heard about.  I also understand some of these bases are used to store all the secret oil that the oil companies are hiding from us, as well as JFK held in suspended animation.

    Actually, I think you need to get back on your meds.

    There was a secret installation intended to shelter the government (all three branches) in the event of a nuclear attack on Washington D.C.  It was located underneath the Greenbriar Hotel in West Virginia, I have been there and toured the installation (some of which is currently used as a conference center) and you can to.  Its construction was done under the cover of an expansion of the Hotel.  The existence of this facility was eventually revealed by the press and eventually declassified and retired.  There may very well be a replacement facility somewhere, it would seem logical to for any country to have some back up facility in case it lost its capital.

    There is also a very large underground military facility located under Cheyene mountain in Colorado.  This is not secret, however.  The facility houses the command center for NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) and is jointly staffed by the U.S. and Canada.  It is designed to withstand a direct hit from at least one nuclear weapon.

    Area 51 is actually a building at the Groom Lake proving grounds.  This area has long been used for testing top secret military aircraft including he F-117A (stealth fighter) and the SR-71.  I'm sure there are current projects going on their that would boggle many peoples imaginations.  And then there are always those UFOs, really, I know someone who knows someone whose cousin definately heard about them.

  2. sure up North

    Kansas and Missouri have lots of fenced off private property places you can see some of them from the interstate.

  3. There's a lot under foot,  Most topographical real estate is spoken for, so lets move into abandoned mines, dig new holes, do some sea-floor farming. The b******s that got us to this predicament need a place to hide, when they come after them with pitch-forks and torches. We have free energy at our finger tips right now, and do not have to wait a hundred years to see it,. maybe within ten years, people will have their own power energy units, and the Opec will be bathing in crude to get the smell of the camels off of them.

  4. check the stuff in www.infowars

    about satanic rituals

    and mind control

    there are  under ground cities apparently

    with ten levels or more ,that can hold thousands of people.

    they say there is one in Nevada and/or Arizona ,AND EVEN UNDER NEW YORK

    Many legends from all around the world about entrances to

    involved underground subsystem that could  have been man made

    There are supposed to be a lot in Afghanistan and Iraq

    In Mexico is an entrance in Oaxaca where priest filled 3 top stories with rocks because the people that went in did not come back

    Similar stories in England ,and the USA

    And tunnels many kilometers long with very smooth walls in the Andes from Peru to Colombia

    Looks like there could be a lot more underground than we

    suspect or know.

  5. Yes, when we are ill and when you have many enemies in the world because we have a lot of people oppressed ...

    You never know where we will come surprise!

  6. I believe there is SOME truth to these stories.  Even the news programs have visited underground bunkers and storage areas.  There is even an underground Capitol somewhere in the south east.  The US would be dumb not to have some such bases.

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