
I've heard talk of banning homebuilt trikes would like any info pertaining to far this is just a rumor

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I've heard talk of banning homebuilt trikes would like any info pertaining to far this is just a rumor




  1. Yes, trikes are banned. Taildraggers are only allowed!

    (You're right. It's just some bogus rumor. Don't sweat it.)

  2. Could you be more specific?  If you are talking about true ultralight trikes (single seat, under 254lbs E.W.), the FAA doesn't care.  But, if you have a "Fat" (read that illegal) ultralight that isn't registered as an ELSA (or started the process by 1Jan08) then you have a very expensive lawn ornament.  I predict that the FAA will be very tough on anyone that hasn't taken advantage of the sport pilot rule to get their trike legal.  The link below has specific info on the sport pilot rule.  They also have a listing of new S-LSA trikes for sale.  Homebuilt trikes aren't going away, but if they are 2 seat or over 254 lbs, they need to be registered experimental and you need a sport pilot's license.  

    Hope that helps.

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