
I've heard that boy cats pee everywhere. if this is true is there any way to stop it before it starts???

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my cat just had kittens( 1 girl, 2 boys) we have heard that boy cats pee EVERYWHERE.. some people say that fixing them helps...others don't agree and say it makes it worse




  1. The earlier you can have all your kittens spayed/neutered, the better.  The longer you wait, the more likely you are to have a pee problem.   One of my boys was neutered at 12 weeks, and he has never had a pee problem.  Another was 4 months, and he still, at the age of 15, occasionally has to mark a closet door . . .  

    Have the mom spayed, too!

  2. i have had a boy cat from when it was a tiny kitten.

    They do not pee everywhere unless they have a urine infection or they have not been fixed.

    Neutering a male cat is an excellent step in helping your young man grow into a loving well adapted household citizen. The main reason to neuter a male cat is to reduce the incidence of objectionable behaviors that are normal in the feline world but unacceptable in the human world.


    More than 90% will reduce this behavior with neutering

    Approximately 60% reduce this behavior right away


    More than 90% will reduce this behavior with neutering

    Approximately. 60% reduce this behavior right away


    More than 90% will reduce this behavior with neutering

    Approximately 80% reduce this behavior right away

    Another reason to neuter a male cat has to do with the physical appearance. A cat neutered prior to puberty (most cats are neutered at approximately age 6 months) do not develop secondary s*x characteristics. These include a more muscular body, thickenings around the face called “shields,” and spines on the p***s.

  3. Neutering is the best bet.

    They are marking thier territory

    (sota like men who leave thier clothes everywhere!)

    If you have the male neutered sooner than when he becomes fully male it is better.  Some wait too long before having them spayed/ neutered.  

    Though it doesn't stop all of them.  My male neutered still sprays. But it is only when the neighborhood tom visits.

    Have MOM spayed... soon.

  4. male cats spray  for territorial markings just like in the wild when they are not neutered and after neutering they  have no urge to do so as they do not have the same hormonal needs as they had previously  ask the vet  

  5. The trick is to neuter them before sexual maturity--preferably around 6 months old. They haven't started to spray yet they probably won't.

    Get him done!!

  6. My family had a stray cat have kittens on our porch. She had 5 litters before we finally caught her and got her spayed. From the second litter, we kept 1 female and 2 male kittens. If you teach the kittens from an early age to use the litter box, they will not pee anywhere else, unless they are sick. If the mama cat will use the litter box, it would be great to place a litter box in there, and when she uses it, the kittens will see to use it (once they can move). Cats actually like to pee in the litter box because they like being able to 'bury' it after. Fixing them doesn't make it worse because there is no problem to begin with, and is a great help.

    Your cat doesn't know how to use the litter box? use this site:

  7. well, i heard girl cats pee everywhere. when i had a boy cat, he didn't pee and where. now that we have a girl cat she pees EVERYWHERE. when she does, we pick her up, bring her to the spot where she peed..kind of put her face near it and either flick her lightly on her nose , pat her on the head or pat her on her butt. we dont do it hard either and say bad! bad girl/boy!! make your cats know its bad to do that. also, you can put them in an empty room and shut the door and lock it ( if they dont like that )

    hope i helped!

  8. It's not pee... it's much worse, male cats spray scent from glands to mark territory for mating, and 'fixing' them does tend to knock that down a bit.

  9. Fix your cats. That'll greatly decrease the chances of them peeing around.

    Also, cats are more likely to pee when there are other animal 'intruders' in their territory. Think before you let a new or strange cat in, because if your cat is territorial, they could end up peeing to mark their territory.  

  10. fixing it does help. spraying is what male cats do to makr territory. neutered cats become less territorial so they dont spray as much or at all. not all cats spray anyway. i have a 6 year old unfixed male cat and have never had a problem.

  11. get them ALL fixed! there are too many pets as it is because people are stupid and dont know how to fix there pet and thats why so many animals are dying as we speak! millions in shelters due to owners who cant fix there pet!!  now for your sister has a male cat who is fixed and i had a male cat who was fixed and nither sprayed! call your vet they will tell you also.

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