
I've heard that for health reasons Sweden, Iceland, and Germany are planning on shutting down all McDonalds

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over the next two years. Do you think the US and Canada should do the same?




  1. yes!! i hate mcdonalds..........

  2. No. I don't think that Mcdonald's should be shut down at all. There are hundreds of other, similarly or even more unhealthy fastfood chains out there. Mcdonald's' health issues are just being blown up to huge proportions by the media everywhere. I don't think there is anything wrong with fastfood once in a while. People should just moderate their fastfood consumption instead of shutting down one of the longest running fastfood chains altogether.

  3. hehe.. where did you hear that (at least about sweden)? I am swedish and I have never heard about that. If they close Mcdonalds they should close all of the other hamburger-restaurants, and then there will be no hamburgers, and what are we gonna do then?! hehe..

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