
I've heard that if you lose a baby their spirit can stay with you is it true?

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My friend said that her mum whent to see a medium and the medium said that she could see a boy stand behind her without a face. The medium told her how old he was and he was 3 and her mum had lost a baby 3 years previouse. The medium didn't know anything about it . Could this have really happened?




  1. possible? yes

    likely? no

    furthermore it is not normal for stillborn to have spirit, unless it is already past the 7th month.

    if the baby was already born, it is not normal to not have a face

    so it could be a coincidence

  2. If the mother can't let go for some reason than yes the child can stay...other times if the child just has a message most of the time letting a parent know that it was not there fault or a warning of impending problems then yes they can stay.

  3. might have been a chemical imbalance in her brain which caused her to see the child.......sometimes when you are really stressed or something then your brain is chemically imbalanced causing people to see imaginary things...........ive never heard about this ''baby's spirit following the parent'' though.......

  4. No, unborn babies are not responsible for our sins. They get to go to heaven according to the Bible.

    Rest assured, mediums are practice a technique called cold-reading. They do not actually talk to the dead, they just pretend to. They actually read your reactions and make general statements until they know something. Then they state it, as if they received the information from a spirit.

    These people are con-men looking to take your money, and preying on those who have recently lost someone and are emotionally vulnerable.

    This is why the bible states many times in the new and old testament to stay away from mediums, they are evil.

    Even if you do not believe in God, its easy to see that these people are evil.

  5. Primitive superstitious mumbo-jumbo.

    It's all c**p.

    Mediums have no talent at all apart from weasling money out of fools that should know better.

  6. As long as you remember your baby, it is "with you" in some way, but don't believe anything a medium says. They are out to make money, and they have tricks to find out about people's lives so they can pretend to make predictions.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  7. Don't be fooled by that sucker. If I were your friend I'd hit the sucker's head for creating lies for a living. Medium ? My **** !!

  8. Me and my mum talked with a clairvoyant once and she knew that my mother had once had a miscarriage and said that it was watching over her 2nd born, which is me.

    I don't see how one could keep aging though up until the age of 3 if it were never even born.

  9. I am part of an investigative team.  Part of the group is a couple who experienced the loss of a child.  The child is still in the house.  There have been toys set up that are moved.  And the child does not like me.  Whenever I go there, there is increased activity.  I have brought the child toys to let it know I mean it no harm, but it appears to be frightened.  They are not interested in cleansing the house.  I would tell you that it is possible.

  10. No, it's coincidence or the medium had some prior information. This is an easy claim for a medium to make in any case, because if the customer claims that they didn't lose a baby, the medium can always say it was a miscarriage in the first few weeks after conception which the customer wasn't aware of.

    (EDIT: We lost a baby too, about a month after he was born. He was very premature.That was a couple years ago. It's not something you ever forget, but I don't think his spirit is still here. It's just our memory of him.)

  11. In this satanic system of things, there can be no more revelation other than the ones in the bible. Anything claiming to be a revelation should be in line with what the bible really teaches. Or if u really want to know the truth the revelation should be well detailed not a generalize one where u will have to be guessing if it is true. if u love truth and u love GOD, then u should appreciate what the bible teaches 4 ur benefit as found in the book of 1corinthian 13... where it says :...whether there be prophecies they shall cease...

  12. Don't believe in that c**p. The only true word is the Word of God in the Bible. Pray and He will reveal the truth and the truth will set you free. Blessings!

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