
I've heard that lavender flowers help in insomnia,what other natural things can help?

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I've heard that lavender flowers help in insomnia,what other natural things can help?




  1. Chamomile. That's all I can think of!

  2. Hey honey s !!!

    - I have a book here called 1,801 Home Remedies.

    - In this book, it gives several remedies 2 help with insomnia & I will list them all out for U, so here's what it says that U can do:

    #1- try counting sheeps, seriously & if that doesn't work,

    #2- U could follow Mark Twain's advive "lie near the edge of the bed & U'll drop off".

    #3- a relaxing cup of tea

    #4- a whiff of lavender oil

    #5- a smarter scheduling of sleep

    - if none of those helps, then try:

    #6- having a slice of "turkey or chicken" or a "banana" before heading 2 bed.  These foods contain "tryptophan", an amino acid that's used 2 make "serotonin" which is a brain chemical that helps U sleep.  Keep the portion small, though, or U're full belly may keep U awake.

    #7- Carbohydrates help trytophan enter the brain so try a glass of "warm milk" (milk contains tryptophan) & a cookie, or warm milk with a spoonful of "honey" with a sprinkling of "cinnamon" which has a mild sedative properties of it's own.

    Things 2 avoid:

    - try 2 avoid eating a big meal late in the evening.  U need at least 3 to 4 hours 2 digest a big meal, so if U eat a lot within 4 hours before bedtime, don't be surprised if intestinal grumblings & groaning keep U awake.

    - Spicy or sugary foods, even at suppertime, is usually a bad idear.  Spices can irritate U're stomach, & when it tosses & turns, so will U.  As for having a lot of sugary food; especially chocolate, which contains caffeine; can make U feel jumpy.

    Call on herbs for help:

    - "Valerian" helps people fall asleep faster without the "hangover" affect of some sleeping pills.  It binds 2 the same receptors in the brain that tranquilizers such as diazepam binds 2.  The herb itself stink (think sweaty old socks), so we don't recommend trying 2 make tea.  Instead, take 1 half to 1 teaspoon of valerian tincture or 2 capsules of valerian root an hour before bed.

    - Take 4000 to 8000 milligram of dried passionflower capsules.  Passionflower is widely used as a mild herbal sedative.

    - Or U can combine forces, taking supplement that includes both passionflower & valerian.  "Natural" sleep remedies often includes other herbal ingredients as well, such as "hops" & "skullcap".  Whatever the formulation, follow the pakage directions.

    Smell U're way 2 sleep:

    - Lavender has a reputation as a mild tranquilizer.  Simply dab a bit of the oil onto U're temples & forhead before U hit the pillow.  The aroma should help send U off 2 sleep.  U can also add lavender oil 2 a diffuser or vaporizer 2 scent U're bedroom.  Or place a lavender sachet near U're pillow.

    - Put a drop of "jasmine" essential oil on each wrist just before U go 2 bed.  In studies conducted at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia, researchers discovered that people who spent the night in a jasmine-scented rooms slept more peacefully than people who stayed in unscented, or even lavender-scented rooms.

    - U can also try a smoothing aromatic bath before bedtime.  Just add 5 drops od lavender oil & 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil 2 warm bath-water & enjoy a nice soak.

    Okay, lol.  There's way more here (like 4 pages) but U get the idear.

    I hope that this gives U "some" idears on what 2 try, so good luck & sleep well my friend.

    Yours trully;

    U're pal, Yar

  3. rescue remedy are little packets that you squeze under your tonge and help calm my mind. They work good but personally i would smoke cannabis at night if you really need to sleep.

  4. Here are a few I have been using with results:

    Burts Bees Sleep Remedy

    Sienna Tea

    Chamomile Tea

    Sleep MD (buy at Walgreens Drug Store)

    Melotonin (supplement)

    Put Fresh Lavender packets in your pillowcase. As they release the scent it will help you sleep.

    Make sure you do something. Don't wait like I did and get secondary effects. Tackles loss of sleep right away.

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