
I've heard that people are living longer?

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I've heard that due to the preservatives and growth hormones in food that people are actually being preserved. Is this true? Has anyone heard anything about this? I know that women have twins more now, partially dew to the growth hormones in animal products, but is the previous statement accurate?




  1. None of that is any validation at all in regards to human longevity or child birth.  Sounds like some kinda anti-meat propaganda.

  2. I don't think the preservatives have much effect INSIDE the body, except to make you constipated if you eat too much (seriously) Growth hormones, if anything, should have NEGATIVE effects, such as increasing breast cancer rates. The increase in life expectancy has been due to better hygiene and health care, as well as a better understanding of nutrition (antioxidants do make you live longer, by the way). However, I (currently 15 years old) am possibly part of the first generation that is going to have a shorter average lifetime than the previous one. If this happens, it will be due to a combination of lack of exercise, industrial pollutants, plastics, and genetically modified food.

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