
I've heard that there is going to be a really big earthquake occuring in California in the next 30 years.?

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Is this true, and if it is, what is this earthquake called?




  1. It won't have a name until it happens, since it's named after its epicenter, and there's no way to know where that will be.  

    Until then, it's called The Big One.

    Add:  Thumbs down?  Really?  Do you live in California, Mr./Ms. Thumbs Downer?  I do.  I know what we call it, and how it's named, that we don't know where it will be centered, and that scientists say there's virtually a 100% chance that it will happen in the next 30 years.

  2. The world is not going to end in 2012 but yes people will die during that time. Anyhow for the earthquake it will most likely happen as this earth is not how it used to be anything can be expected.

  3. Well we're long due for an earthquake and scientists are dubbing it the next "Big One".

  4. Ok this sounds really scary and the person above me really scared me.

    I'm scared for the Earth, mankind has treated it so awfully.

    I hope God comes and saves us.

    Keeping praying everyone!

  5. Don't worry about it. I heard that the world is going to end in the year 2012. Long before that earthquake hits.

  6. i kinda didn't get it but if you mean there is going to a 30 year long earthquake i doubt it earthquakes on last a maximum of 7 min and the aftershocks maximum is 3 min

  7. i just want to tell u sth

    it is really impossible to know when an earthquick may happen

    so dont believe this

    earthquicks can happen in any sec

  8. I am a San Francisco resident. We had them in 1906 and in 1989, so figure about another 83 years after 1989. That is in 1072. Arwena is playing a cruel joke on gullible people.

  9. My educated guess is by 2015 there will be another Northridge-sized quake in the L.A. basin. I survived Northridge and Sylmar in '71, and the spacing of big quakes in that area seems to fit such a timetable. I have since moved to the Midwest.

  10. Yep, all true. In fact it is well overdue for such a thing.

    This earthquake will happen at approximately 09:53 local time on the 17th of October 2026, although it could be as late as 10:06.

    San Francisco will no longer exist and the United Nations will have to have a Worldwide Appeal for all the poor, starving L.A. celebrities who's homes and Hummers were cast into the resulting chasm of molten rock. The Hollywood sign (or the remaining second 'O' and 'W') will wash up somewhere along the North Beach in Blackpool, England where they will be instantly used as the basis for a makeshift tent by some engineering students, keen to prove their talents for their final years' project.

    It is estimated that it will measure about 67 on the Richter scale and the resulting tidal wave will destroy 17 palm trees and drown a small daschund named Elvis in Saint Lucia. The sound of two hundred million Muslims laughing themselves into unconsciousness will then cause a large avalanche in the foothills of the Himalayas, which will in turn completely wipe out the Japanese economy by taking 876,000 points off the Nikkei, as 2.4 weeks earlier, the entire country had invested heavily in a Buddhist Centre for Clinically Bewildered Yogis that was destroyed, ironically, 3 days before its official opening by Prince Albert of Monaco. The mountain lions residing in this area will begin to scavenge school children from neighbouring villages (due to the sudden absence of hill squirrels which make up a large portion of their usual diet) and the local villagers will wipe out this already near extinct species by beating them to death with dustbin lids and parts of an old tractor they found just over the border in Tibet.

    The following weeks will see the Earth's tectonic plates shift to such a degree that Vesuvius will erupt and rebury Pompeii, the skies will turn black from the ashen, volcanic fallout and this in turn will contaminate the worlds entire supply of Evian bottled mineral water. This will cause the middle class to die out within weeks. My geraniums will die due to them being in an already too shady spot.

    The price of petrol will fall to a 20 year low of £12.53 a litre and every single European will celebrate this event by going on a driving holiday. As a result, Holiday Inn Express will enjoy a previously unheard of boom and raise its prices to an all time high and it will be impossible to get a table at the Servichlant Autobahn motorway cafe just south of Munich for the entire month of November.

    Sorry I couldn't be more specific............

  11. Yes.It is expected at any moment. Don't get panic. You can closely monitor the fallowing changes that may take place before earthquakes.

    Unusual animal behaviors before earthquakes

    Mammals Nervous, restless, irritated, panic and act “crazy”.

    Human Headache, nausea, urge to vomit, giddiness, dizziness, heart complaints, nervous        

    disorders, hysteria, bad weather symptoms.

    Dogs Bark loudly, whine ingratiatingly, anxious.  Act as if tracking an unseen enemy; panic and bite owners, bark and pull owners outside, howl insufferably as if they have rabies.

    Cats Restless, meow pathetically, take kittens outside, climb high trees, jerk ears, lay ears back, leave home for days, disappear.

    Rats Disappear, fuss, panic, running on wires.

    Horses Stamp, snort, tremble, jump, buck, fall to the ground.

    Cows Bellow, crowd together, run away in panic.

    Pigs Aggressively bite each other, dig under fences, attempt to climb walls.

    Deer Leave bush and forest, do not fear humans, run to humans, run aimlessly.

    Rabbits Jump and run around.

    Sea lions Swim in zigzags, act agitatedly, fuss when out of the water, do not ear food.

    Dolphins Nervous, do not obey orders, leap put of the water.

    Bats Fly in the daytime.

    Birds Stop singing, become excited, flocks fly restlessly, cry weirdly, some die.

    Chickens Flap wings, shriek as if in terror, fly, fly to roofs.  c***s crow at midnight.

    Hens Lay no eggs, fewer eggs or eggs with two yolks.

    Ducks Avoid entering water, cry, act aggressively, bite humans.

    Sparrows Flutter in swarms, flutter down while flying, no twittering.

    Seagulls Fly inland, mew in sky, stay away from the sea.

    Parakeets High pitched chirping, flutter wings, fly at night, stay on fence, die.

    Reptiles Come out of hibernation.

    Crocodiles Call, leave the water for land or leave cages for the forest.

    Snakes Come out to the open in winter, swarm in bamboo clumps in summer.

    Turtles Wake from hibernation, climb on others apparently in panic, run.

    Crabs Leave wet habitats and crawl ashore, large numbers found dead.

    Fish Float and align in one direction, leap out of water, move violently, die.

    Turn upside down, act as if in turmoil, swarm, bigger fishing catches.

    Deep sea fish appear near surface, do not eat, sea fish swim up rivers.

    Eels Crowd onshore, disappear.


    Ants Leave habitats carrying their eggs, swarm, enter houses.

    Bees Evacuate hives in a frenzy, buzz agitatedly and sting aggressively.

    Cockroaches Swarm close to metal ware.

    Dragonflies Swarm close to metal ware.

    Earthworms Come out of soil, aggregate.

    Flies Swarm and cling to sweaty skin, fly in circles, rotate themselves.

    Silkworms Unusual alignment.

    Plant anomalies before earthquakes.

    Blooming ahead of season

    Potato Two months Vines bloom.

    Apricot Six weeks Trees bloom in winter.

    Early flowering & early crops

    Rice A few weeks before Small plants, early crops,

    Bar-code leaves.

    Orchid One day before Sways without wind.

    Mimosa At or just before Closes leaves and droops.

    Tree leaves Just before Shake without wind.

    Malfunctioning home electric appliances before earthquakes.

    Appliance Behaviors

    Car navigators Fluctuation of the pointer arrow.

    Clocks (quartz) Stopping or sudden movements of the second hand.

    Fast forward and backward movement or delayed movement.

    Fluorescent lamps Dimming of light as during thunderstorms.

    Intercoms Spontaneous buzzing sounds, or not functioning.

    Mobile phone Ringing & light but no record of caller.

    Do not function, make odd sounds.

    Radio   (AM) Spontaneous switching and loud sounds, pulsed noise.

    Refrigerators Strange compressor noises, spoiled yogurt.

    TVs Spontaneous switching, speckling and flicker.

    Barber-pole color, lines, image disortion, white bands, loss of colour, reversion to black and white, channel fluctuations.


    Earthquake precursor phenomena in the sky and atmosphere.


    Phenomena in the sky Preseismic (time) Coseismic

    Earthquake light (EQL) A day or a few hours Flash and arc just before

    Earthquake fog (EQF) A few hours or just before Sudden dense fog

    Earthquake cloud (EQC) A few days, 8 days A dragon cloud appears

    Yellow sky A day Becomes dark

    Short rainbows A few days …

    Haloed sun A day to a few hours …

    Elongated or red moon A day …

    Stars appear close A day …

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