
I've hurt my eye! Help!?

by  |  earlier

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STUPID STUPID thing I did yesterday. I am a keen photographer, and spotted a great photo opportunity. In a rush I pointed my camera straight to where I wanted to photograph, not realising the sun was beaming through the trees. In an instant I felt pain, and although my eye sight hasn;t deterioated I have had a sharp pain through my eye (the pain hasn't gone away) , and a headache since. I don't know what to do and am really worried.




  1. contact the eye clinic at hosp, or a&e ! good luck

  2. The other answers are right get medical attention ASAP

  3. you should go to a eye hospital as soon as you can, never take chances with you sight

  4. Go to a doctor and don't waste anymore time on the internet.

  5. oh my god .. sounds like you have burnt your retina

    seek medical advice asap otherwise you may end up losing your sight

  6. You should really go to  a doctor immediately .

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