
I've just created a very basic website with Dreamweaver. How do I get search engines to...?

by Guest33414  |  earlier

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locate my site via "keywords"? I never typed out any or submitted key words to anyone. I just don't get it.




  1. its called website search engine optimisation, i have no idea how its done. i had a company do it for me cost £100 a month(rip off as it didnt work)

    i use google adwords now, problem is thats very expensive too, upto £2 everytime somone click on your site from the google ad.

    hope you get some good answers to this question that might help me too. good luck

  2. Hi,

    The person who suggested Marketleap is very helpful.

    I would like to add to that...

    I also use a Free Online Resource which helped me get my site recognised.  It is a new site but VERY helpful.  Read through their content, and i think clicking "Get Traffic" button would help you answer your question.

    I hope this helps you.

  3. Take these steps:

    1. submit your site to the three major search engines.

    2. have your site professionally optimized

    3. start link building (write some blogs and press releases and have them distributed.)

    4. have patience because that is what it takes.


  4. search engines finds your homepage by links, and "keywords" are words in URL, the page-name, and the text in your homepage..

    it is many years ago the search engines stopped supporting keywords

    -You can write your URL on forums to make the search engines look at your homepage

    -try to use words that together do not have many hits in google (or if you use a self-made word like "spifhuo" your homepage would be the only one listened in google)

  5. You first need to submit your site to these search engines to have them crawl it.

    1.  Goto marketleap, and enter in your website information.  It will show you which sites already recognize your site.

    2.  You'll need to purchase some software which can help you with the search engine submissions.  I would recommend IBP.  Just google it and take a look at it.  I believe they offer a free trial.

    3.  Make sure that you are offering link exhanges with other similiar sites.  The reason?  Google ranks your site dependant on how many sites you have linking to it.  It doesn't matter how many times your keywords are located within your site.

    4.  Monitor your sites performance with  Check back every once in awhile.

    Otherwise the only things that helps your site, is time.  If you have a newly listed site, it isn't going to skyrocket in the search engines unless it's optimized properly, has links pointing directly to it, and your utilizing pay per click as well as other services.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  6. What you need to do is spend all your time on Keyword Research. What you want is Organic Traffic so you do not need to advertise all the time.  Go to and click on the Wordtracker banner.  Just get the free version for a week and study the keyword research.  Then just use those words and phrases in you Website. Good luck!

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