
I've just found out i've got my old account back.. i think i'm going to retire it ..?

by  |  earlier

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whilst looking for a email adress i have found yahoo have given me my old account back ironically it was the same day i opened my new one ?? i dont want two accounts so i will retire (this) my old account and keep my new one in respect of everyone who helped me back with my new account.... feel free to check the question for what i got suspended its the last Q i asked before this..

FQ how are liverpool getting on 0 v 0 last i heard ..




  1. Keep hold of it bud you never know when the idiots will get a bit trigger happy with reporting good to see yahoo get there act together though

    It was a not so good 0 0 bud

  2. never  

  3. I didnt actually get to see the original question, when you posted it, but was told about it the day you were suspended, i thought it was a ridiculous reason for you to get suspended then, and now ive read it (and stopped laughing ;-)  ) i still cant believe it .... ive seen some more risque questions, some more nasty questions, some blatant 'asking for trouble' questions, in all the time ive been here.

    Original account - level 6, current account - level 2 .... i know what one id start using from now on! Up to you though, just glad the yahoo mafia saw sense eventually and decided to un-suspend the account anyway. Always good to have a back up account, so ive heard this week!

    People like you Deano DO NOT deserve to have their account suspended or reported, and whoever did report you, i hope they are no longer a user on here, if they havent got a sense of humour. (Great answer by Debbie btw!)

    FQ: (eventually!) yes it was indeed a 0-0 draw.

  4. Thing is Deano, your probably gonnae be a target now anyway.  I'd keep your new one for sensible questions, if you ever answer them, and your old one for the risque, windy up ones!!  In fact, I know your a betting man, so i bet you you cannae get 2 orange badges!!!!

  5. hows it hanging "clone" deano he-he

    only messing mate as stated hang on to it till needed for the clowns and dopes!!!

    liverpool drew 0-0 away from home a great result i must say. wait till we get them at anfield.

  6. i'd keep the old account if I were you, but thankfully, I'm not :))

  7. Honesty is the best policy........for most.

  8. I'm confused, i thought in Y!A language, suspension was permanent, i never knew an account could get activated

    FA: It ended 0-0  

  9. Hi deano mate, that's a joke getting suspended for having a laugh! keep this account rather then the new one mate.

  10. About time they fixed their mistake :DD

    Whichever one you use deano, hold on to the will probably need it once this season starts :o

  11. Deano mate...dats the job! So they have NOT won then! I saw the Q nothing more than harmless fun in truth! Glad you have your a/c back then!!! I'd probably keep this one open just in case you know!! I mean Deano, Deano is a TC after all!!

    Be good!  ;);)

  12. its sad u cannot be a little bit risque with a question.........its because 90% of the people on here are under 14..............shouldnt be allowed

  13. is that it wow some people need a sense of humour implant

  14. i agree with deano on this one deano.

  15. ohh deano i'm so proud of you .. your the man .. lmao at touz bless her rotten socks ..

  16. Great for you lol f**k Yahoo!

    Why are you retiring this one ? Use it as your main account and the other one above level 2 or 3 or whatever as your back up, thats what I would do if I were you anyway its your choice glad you won your appeal.

    FQ : It ended 0-0.  

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