
I've just had a very faint line...

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on my ovulation strip test (not first morning urine). However, my period is due in a couple of days.

What do you think this means? Has anyone had this?





  1. could mean ur pregnant? i know those tests can pick up the lh surge and the hCG in ur urin too...go get a pregnancy test and check :)...good luck!!

  2. You are wasting your ovulation test strips!

    Your hormones are changing because you are going to get your period soon; that is the only reason why you are getting this reading.

    Take a first response pregnancy test if you want to take a test that is supposed to be used when you are a few days away from your expected period.


  3. i always get two lines on my opks, the test line is only darker at O time tho... so I wouldn't read too much into it.

  4. Double Line ovulation tests ALWAYS show two lines. The way to tell you are ovulating with these tests is by the shade of the second line. You are ovulating when the second line is as dark or darker than the control line. Since you got a faint line it means that you are not ovulating as would be expected since you are due for AF soon.

  5. As above hun, there is no LH surge even if two lines present - as long as test line is fainter than the control line the result is negative.  

    Lots of luck, hope you don't get your AF! x*x

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