
I've just read this and wondering what your opinions are on the matter?

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I was just browsing through the newspapers websites and their blogs and happened to come across this particular article:

It has made me think. Why is it that I/we don't usually see many couples of that type around?

Anyone know or related to someone who is in one of these interracial relationships?





  1. My husband is half asian and I am caucasian if that counts - we've never heard any negative comments at all, in fact I've never heard anyone mention anything at all about it. The only thing was that some people thought I had adopted my sons as I have very fair skin and they have much more olive skin and asian eyes.

  2. I've known four inter-racial relationships where an Asian guy (three Chinese, one Vietnamese) married a Caucasian girl. They've all worked out very well, though I really do have to admit that in every case, it was cause for comment - just comment though, nothing negative and they had no problems with any friends or acquaintances. Other inter-racial relationships (Asian girl, Caucasian guy) would have probably passed without any comment at all.

    The only family problems were from the Asian side where in three cases, the Asian parents thought they should have taken up with a 'nice Asian girl'. In every case, all parents came around quickly and embraced the marriage and of course, the grandchildren.

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