
I've just started horse riding and...?

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I've just started horse riding and i have only had 5 lessons of walking, trotting, changing reins, etc...

I was just wondering how many lessons will i go through before i start cantering?

Thanks :D





  1. It all depends on how well you are a rider. The more lessons you do, the more control you will have over your horse, your legs will be steadier, your seat will be better, and you won't jerk on the reins. It all takes time and compassion towards your sport. Enjoy your lessons and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It all depends on how you progress. If you only had five lessons and you're going great, you'll probably advance to cantering soon. But if you're not doing so great, you'll probably have to wait longer.  

  3. It depends how quickly you progress. When I teach, I won't let anyone canter until they can walk and trot (inc rising trot) well, in balance and in control!  

  4. i ride almost everyday, i have been riding for 16 years. i just started cantering when i was 10. it is something that require great balance, and if you don't have the rhythm of the horse, it is hard to canter. if you are a dare devil person and are a thrill seeker, it will be fun for you. If you are doing well trotting you might try a slow canter, and feel it, and see if you are ready.

    c ya

  5. HI!

    Well i have been riding for about 3 years. the first time i ever cantered was soon after i completed my first year.

    however when i teach i will teach my students to canter when they have good balance and control in walk and posting trot

    i have wanted to canter forever and I'm so glad i can do it now!!!

    Don't worry, when u canter you'll be so happy!!

  6. Usually, how quickly you get to do certain things depends on several factors.

    -How quickly you build muscle and gain muscle memory

    -And how quickly you develop your skills

    If you gain skill and muscle quickly, then you might be cantering in 5 or 6 lessons. But if you don't develop the correct leg muscles, or you don't build certain (important!) skills quickly, then it might take you over 20 lessons. You need to have proper riding position (sitting up straight, keeping your elbows bent, keeping your heels under you and down), developed leg muscles (so that you can actually stay in the saddle when you canter, and be able to control the horse with your legs), and you have to be mentally ready to canter. It can be very stressful, and scary if you've never cantered before. And it is especially stressful if you ride a difficult horse. (although i'm guessing you won't be, because you're a beginner)

    I was 13 years old when i started riding, and i was able to canter on my own after about 6 lessons. Although, i was in a very small ring with no other horses, and i rode a bomb proof horse.

    And you'll probably be nervous before you canter, because chances are, you won't be able to control your horse as easily as you could at the trot... so just be careful.

    But after a while, you'll love cantering. (if you ride a horse with an enjoyable canter that is)

    I hope this helps ♥

  7. if u learn quickly then u should start cantering soon.

    but u should know how to trot and control the horse befor u start going faster.

    i learnt in my second lesson but i was getting back on the horse and knew how to trott and stuff.. so yea.

  8. depends on your trainer, and it depends on how fat you get those few things...but i would say 2 months or shorter????

  9. this probably doesnt help much but it all depends on how fast you learn i went one lesson per week and i was cantering within a a couple months but it all depends

  10. you should start cantering after you have built up good leg muscles, good posittion, and know how to control your horse well. you should start cantering within 4-8 months. i didnt canter for about a year and a half actuatly, becausemy instructor didnt have a horse to teach me on, because she wasnt really the instructor anymore. but anyway, whenever you feel and look ready!

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