
I've just started reading Breaking Dawn?

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what should I expect ?? and how do you feel about SM not writing/finishing Midnight Sun? I was looking forward to it.




  1. Breaking Dawn was amazing.  You should expect romance, shock, humor, and suspense. I loved every part of the book.  Omg, I am so sad about Midnight Sun.  I think she just should have taken the drafts offline, and keep on writing the book.  I know she was sad, but there were so many loyal fans out there that didn't read them (I am one of those fans)  I hope the people that posted the illegal drafts, learn from there mistakes, because now they are making thousands of fans suffer :(.

  2. Breaking'

  3. crappy story and jacob imprints on edward!

    midnight sun is cool

  4. i was looking forward to it too. but you can't blame her. and at least she was kind enough to post it on her website. i would've been so bummed if she didnt. and i dont want to spoil anything for you, but half of the people hated that book and wanted to return it. and the other half loved it. (i loved it btw)

  5. well breaking dawn is gonna go downhill and i think SM is throwing an unnesscsary fit about Midnight Sun

    i was looking forward to it also :( she needs to get her head out of her butt and write the rest of the d**n book

  6. Aeluver--

    Read Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, the Brontes,

    Thomas Hardy, George Eliot, EM Forster, Charles Dickens, and Wharton like I do, THEN tell me I can't "recognize a good book". Obtain a college reading level in HS like I have THEN tell me I can't "recognize a good book". (I sound like such a snob right now, but it pisses me off that you're telling me I can't recognize a good book when I've probably read four times as many book as you have). Don't insult my intelligence by suggesting I'm incapable of recognizing good literature.


    I hated Breaking Dawn. Prepare for the worst, go in with no expectations, and make your judgment from there.

    As for her not finishing Midnight Sun. I don't blame her for being upset about the leak, and I feel bad that someone broke their trust with her. But she's an idiot if she didn't see this coming. You can't go around handing out manuscripts to an anticipated book and expect it not to fall into the wrong hands somehow. SHE made the CHOICE to put out manuscripts. She made the CHOICE to risk a leak. She reacted horribly to it-- she could have handled it with class, like JKR did. Instead she threw a temper tantrum, pouted, made herself seem like a tragic martyr, then blamed it all on her fans instead of admitting her own mistakes and lack of judgment/foresight. She's a pansy.

  7. i thought it was kinda predicable (in my opinion) but i still loved it! It wasn't best of them all but it is still good...omg i was mad when she said she postponing midnight sun, ugh!!

  8. part three is the best. so keep reading!

    bad. i hope she does finish it. i'm willing to wait like 10 years for it.

  9. It's an awesome book :] really it is, I hate the stuff people are saying about it, like how it's bad and stuff...seriously, these people don't see a good book when it comes to them.

    Leakage of Midnight Sun upset me A LOT. I know exactly how SM feels, seriously, I think who ever did this to her should feel the worst as possible. But then, SM is overreacting about it, it's not a big deal enough to totally STOP writing the book. Some people [like me] are dying to read the rest of Midnight Sun!

    I hope SM would start going back to Midnight Sun, again if it's possible.

  10. Breaking Dawn = GREAT

    but you will be wanting more I am sorry she might not do Midnight Sun.

  11. Prepare to be surprised. Jake and Bella are going to be probably the most surprising and some of the people that didn't talk a lot before will actually say stuff.As for MS, I am angry at whoever did that to her. They need to respect authors and their work. I hope she continues writing Midnight Sun.It seems unfair at first but if you think about it what would you do? Someone is just posting the stories that she spends months writing all over the internet! SM doesnt get the credit she deserves when people do that. I would probably make the same decision or worse if I was in her situation.. Anyways I hope you enjoy the book cause i know i did! And here's a link to a SM support thing that my friend told me about.

  12. I loved Breaking Dawn!  I was totally surprised, though.  I think you will be too.  It was nothing that I could even imagine would happen.  I was pleasantly surprised though.  I loved it!  It had suspense, romance, action, you know, just like the other books.  But this one ends it and ties them all together.  Oh, I was really looking forward to Midnight Sun!!  :(  I really want her to finish it.

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