
I've kept my contacts on for about 3 weeks. what's going to happen?

by Guest60162  |  earlier

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i don't think i've taken them off.




  1. infections, corneal ulcers, dry eye, neovascularization that leads to hemorrhaging, and not being able to wear contacts again

  2. Your eye could get badly infected. I suggest you take them off and clean them every night. Infected eyes are not fun.

  3. Look up these words and see if you can find pictures. They are  caused by over wear of contact lenses:

    Corneal Neovascularization

    Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

    Corneal Ulcers

    The first and third can cause complications that can lead to blindness. All three can cause you to not be abot to wear contacts in your life again. Not worth it in my book. But, you make your choices. Really look them up and look at the pics. You won't want it to happen to you.

  4. OH! i did that...yeah, BAD eyes got infected!!! they turn all red and puffy!!! if i were you i would not keep them in for so long (1-2 days is ok) but you really should clean them and stuff like that...

  5. I would definitely take them out.  I didn't take mine out for about 2 months and my cornea grew over my contacts, so when i took them out i ripped my cornea.  The result was about 50 scratches on both my eyes, and I had to wear eye patches for 2 weeks and put drops in multiple times a day.  Take them out as soon as possible though so it doesn't get worse.

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