
I've lately had some weird paranormal sightings.?

by  |  earlier

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so i have been seeing t hings and hearing weird noises and i want to know if it's just in my head or i can actually see THINGS. the other day i saw something like walk past me and felt the air and i looked in the closet i was by and their was like no one there and a lot of other expieriences





  1. well you are either experiencing scizophrenia or you are becoming phychic.

    scizophrenia ususally starts around 18 or so, phychic's in early teens, but it's not always at those ages.

    good luck

  2. I don't think you're crazy. I've had strange similar experiences, at first I was afraid and I thought I was going out of my mind until others in my house started having the same kind of things happen to them.

  3. Its a possibility it could be paranormal

    theres another possibility you could be crazy

    theres another possibility it could have logical explinations

    No one can answer this for sure only give you possible explinations

  4. no one hear can answer that for sure... we dont know you, nor can we see what you're seeing.

  5. Certainly weird.. But not crazy!!

  6. There's always a possibility that there are active spirits around you, since they are pretty much everywhere - just not all of them active.

    I'm the founder of North Carolina Paranormal Research Society, or NCPRS for short. My advice to you would be for you to do a little research before you write yourself off as crazy...find out if there is any history of spirit activity in the house, and whether other family members have experienced anything similar.

    Also, I would take pictures, lots of them - especially at times when you feel a presence or cold spots (temperature decreases in one certain area). If this is truely a spirit that's taken up residence (or perhaps been there all along, unnoticed), then something might just show up in your photos.

    A hand-held tape recorder is also a good idea, to try and capture any EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena).

    Do your "homework," and you just might find that you're not crazy after all. :)

    Best of luck to you!


  7. who lived in the house before you?

    Who lived on the land your house is built on? Do you know the history?

    You are not crazy....

    but I would say you are very sensitive

  8. weird. . .  OMG! Do you think they're ghosts?

  9. Anomaly does not equal paranormal.

    No, you're not crazy, just open to suggestion.

  10. Don't let people convince you that you're crazy. If you wouldn't be on here trying to find out what's going on. You need to go to the court house and check out the history of the land you live on ..and the house. Has anyone you know ..died recently?

  11. You might have a serious health problem. You should

    discuss this with your physician.

  12. You may have the ability that allows you to see and communicate with the dead. It is a gift, not anything bad.

  13. Only you can say for sure. People you ask on the Internet do not know you and are not with you so we can not say for sure. I suggest you be skeptical but open.  That way you will know for sure.

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