
I've lived in my apt 13 years and 4 years ago i got a dog, the resident manage knew this

by  |  earlier

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But the owner gave me 60 day notice claiming he never knew there were any pets in the complex and would have never allowed it, I can't move right now i'm suppose to have surgery next month, so I called the owner and asked if I gave my dog away would he retract the 60 day notice, he said YES. So I gave her away, I called the owner back few days later just to be sure everything was ok, but he said the new owners still want me to go, this time is due to too much traffic towards my side of the building,not my apt in specific just my side of the building. I went to county recorders office to see if there really is a new owner and just as I expected there is no new owner, Also there is a total of 9 tenants being asked to leave, however one tenant was told if he agrees to pay $250 more in rent each month he can stay. Can the property owner get away with this, Please Help




  1. If they new about the dog - it is now allowed.  Let hem try to evict you, they have no grounds.

    It sounds like they are just trying to clean house, so to speak - though I don't know why they would want a bunch of places vacant.

    Just for general info - and this works both ways - If something about your rental agreement changes (ie: the dog) and nobody does anything about it, then the rental agreement is changed by non- action.  They cannot try to kick you out 4 years later because of the dog

  2. are you month-to-month or on a lease? m2m means the conditions can be changed at any time with 30 days notice, lease means they must wait for the lease to expire

  3. It sounds like they are trying to get the building open for another purpose. It was a good idea for you to go county records to get the big picture. He might be trying to go out of business or getting rid of the apartment building. But whatever the reason, he's trying to get you and the other 8 out. Sorry to hear that you had to get rid of your dog. It sounds like you got rid of it for nothing. Maybe there is a chance you can get it back after you get yourself another place later on. I wish you the best whatever happens.

  4. The dog thing is OK, unless you have a signed lease that you can have the dog.   Dogs have no rights.

    However, I would call the housing authority regarding evicting your for "traffic", that is absurd and not even close to being a valid reason.

    Since nothing you can do can remedy traffic there is no way you can be evicted because of it.

  5. If he has given you written notice to move, I'd make plans to move.  Sounds like something fishy is going on, but the chances of you and the other tenants being asked to leave getting together to file a complaint is almost impossible.  Best to move on. Maybe have some family help you.  Maybe you could find a new place that will allow pets.

  6. If you don't have a lease, he can try to evict you.  If he does, get a lawyer and fight it.

    Also, a lawyer will be able to get things postponed if you need time due to the surgery.

  7. Sounds like they are bullying you to leave.  Stand your ground if you feel you are right and as long as you are up on your bills, you should be able to stay.

    Make sure you document everything in case you end up in court. And if they push you, they'll have to take you to court to get you out and maybe a judge would see your side. Maybe not.

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