
I've lost all

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Untill this week i've been an A student in most of my classes. Last week I just stopped doing homework, and I haven't been able to start again since. I just go on Y!A or YouTube or worse RedTube and just waste my night wanking around.

And I've just been getting more and more stressed out and I've been fighting with my girlfriend and I haven't been to school in the last 2 days, half because I'm sick but half because I just don't want to. I just can't be stuffed.

What's happening to me? How can I start working again?




  1. your sinking deeper into depression yaaaay have fun its such a joy ride lol

  2. That's normal, become reinspired. You have it in you.

    A week is nothing.

  3. I can't be bothered to answer either.

  4. maybe you should just so stuff.

    like i said. get over ur computer.

    and everything else and do ur bloody hw.

    im here for you, but this redtube stuff EVERYNIGHT is starting to kill me.

    decide for urself.

    love ur girlfriend.

  5. this might sound brutal, but talk to your school counselor.  talk to your parents.  ask yourself if you are going through some emotions.  maybe it's your girlfriend.  take a break from the computer.   most importantly, talk to someone.    

  6. hey dude listen........ u simply asking too much outa yourself....

    just sit somewhere alone and think about the mistakes you in last few days....  and then think of a remedy.....

    you surely gna do good in your studies then onwards....

    just try

  7. Don't take anti-depressants.

    try this,wich actually did worked for me :

    Ca + Mg + folic acid + omega 3 > minimum 1 month but you will feel better within 1 week

    hope it will help  

  8. ur just scared like me i feel that way right now i didnt go to school either soo dont be scared but i dont know how i will stop being scared *sigh*

    do ur best remember ur not alone were the same i will try my best too gudluck

  9. Probably you need a counselor, I had been acting the same(Except for the girlfriend stuff.) lol Due to family losses. This year hopefully i want to get a new start. I've moved and is trying to start life over. But get a counselor and please go back to school. The kids are the future! =]

  10.   This will help. You are not alone! Don't give up! Keep going! You can do it! Have you been in school non-stop? You are just suffering from burn-out. I had the same thing happen because I tried to take to many classes. I also went in the summer, too. I eventually just quit in the middle of a semester and I was doing very good! I just couldn't take the constant demands ( care of child, husband and home). I'm 35 years old and I even started drinking! I never drank in my entire life! Well, here's what I did. I asked God to please help me finish his mess I started (I will owe 12,000 in pell grants if I don't). I went back to my old job and started to feel even worse. I felt like such a failure. I couldn't stand it and went back to college. I now feel so much better (even though highly stressed). I also went to the doc and he gave me a anti-anxiety med. Every night I still feel like quitting, but every morning I get up and make myself go. I tell God- please help me to finish. I believe it's working! Plus, I stop and think about all my other options (my back breaking, nasty, under-payed, stressful old job of being a special-education teacher's assistant). Then I think of my future job and pay-check where I can make it on my own and never have to live with a bunch of pain in the butt people. I wont have to drive old junky cars anymore or live in run down housing. Qualify for food-stamps and have shotty health insurance. Just think of the alternate life style you will have if you quit. Most of all- all the time you will waste feeling sorry for yourself! Don't stop to play around because when the fun is over you'll be old, tired and your oppurtunity to finish school may never  come again.

  11. LIfe sucks dude. Smoke a doobie and get back into it.

  12. I would think that the stress is getting to you about your girlfriend, school and homework.  What you need to do is take stock and prioritise.  Your girlfriend is someone whom you are close to now, but she might not be there for you in five years time.  School is very useful to you now as it is what will determine your career later on so you need to maintain it.  Homework is part of school and is what you are assessed on at the end of the year.  So your priorities are homework, school, family, girlfriend and social life.

    Try to destress by meditation an hour before you go to bed at night.

  13. You really need to see your doctor.  Also, make it a point to exercise as it makes you feel better.  I will pray for you.  Remember that you make choices in life.  You may not feel like going for whatever reason and you choose not to go, you chose to go on the internet.  Talk to a doctor and see if you can figure out what is going on in the meantime.  Tell yourself that you must do your homework in order to achieve your longer term goals in life.

    Apologize to your girlfriend who has been there for you.  Tell her what is going on.  God Bless...

  14. stay out of relationship when u are still studying..u need to have an iron will of urs working again,only then u can change for a better does not suck,u can choose the way u wanted to do each day,try to talk to your parents for advice and wisdom..enlightenment will lead u to hope and joyfulness.

  15. Aw no dude, you're getting into the position I'm in. Get to a psychologist and see what he/she has to say. There's nothing wrong with you but, a psychologist can give you tips on what's going on and possibly how to fix it.

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