
I've lost interest in him, now what do I do?

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I started seeing this guy about a month ago. He's cool and everything, just that he's kind of shy and he said he likes to take things slow. I was cool with that at first, but it's going so SLOW! Besides that, we don't have all that much in common. I have class with him everyday, but I find myself talking more to everyone else than him. He's also really impatient so he gets mad easily and spends half the day sulking. (Which totally gets on my nerves.) He's nice to me and I know he likes me, but he's snapped at me a couple times because he was mad. He'd feel bad about it and lightened up after he did, but still.

Remember that it's been a month, right? We've only hugged ONCE! I gave him a new hat because he was having a bad week...Nothing. Not even a hug. He said thanks and called me sweet, but that was all. Seriously, other guys in the class, at work, going out, etc act more interested in me than him. (Which is how I know he likes me because he'll act like a total douche to them when they do.) I want to make it work, but at the same time, I don't and just want to move on. So what do you think? Is it worth saving?

Should I let it keep going the way it is and wait for him to make a move? Should I just call it off? Or should I talk to him about it and see if we can make some changes?




  1. You guys sound like opposites that will never attract.

    Go easy on him when you give him the bad news.

  2. So, you've been dating this guy for a month and he has flipped on you already?? He has anger problems. I dated a guy like that once and I thought that he was just having a bad day but then it started being everyday. AND forget about going out and a guy even looking at me. That was my fault and he would flip on me about that. You do not want to be in a relationship with someone who has a short temper. I think you should call it off before you get in too deep with this guy. You do not want someone like that. And as for him taking things slow...Thats fine and all but that is REALLY slow. A hug?? Really dude? Go out have fun..You'll meet someone! Good Luck!

  3. Just drop the loser and find someone else...if you have been with him for a month and he's trippin he has some serious problems that he needs to deal with on his own so just call it off and find someone else that can keep up with you good luck!

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