
I've lost two of the three guppies in two days! what did i do wrong?

by Guest58852  |  earlier

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i brought three little guppies two days ago and put them into a tank where it was only them in of the fish was swimming funny from when i brought it so it wasn't that surprising when i woke up and he was dead, so i went and got a refund at the fish place...which they were fine about

but this morning i saw that another one was lying upside down at the bottom and that did shock me, because as far as i knew he was fine the night before!

i don't know why he's died and i'm worried that tomorrow the last one will go the same way!

the water is at 24 0C, there are hiding places, they seemed to get on well as a group (no bulling that is), water is chloride free, has an air stone and plenty of space to swim

i don't understand....and i don't really want to have to go back to the shop with another dead fish....they must think i'm killing them on purpose :(

suggestions? thankyou




  1. Make sure you have air, filtration, and get a water test kit.

    -They could have been stressed out from the change.

    good luck :)

  2. I brought 2 guppies a while back. And both died withing a few days. They are very hard fish to look after. The only difference between us is i had other fish in the tank. Only get guppies is you are an experienced fish owner, i wasn't :(

  3. guppies are weak fish even all is well they sometimes still die without reasons.I have 30 generation of the first batch of guppies now sometime they will start a dieout but some do survived.the reason is u hav been cheated by yur petfish seller they are infected with bladder virus thats why they swim funny.

  4. i would get your water tested

  5. sounds like u may have a chemical spike in ur tank. i would check ur chemistry in ur tank and treat it accordingly. post additional details, after testing ur water. and tell us the size of ur tank. good luck.

  6. do you have a filter?

  7. u must of fed it drugs!!

  8. You used conditioner, I see that. But three fish at one time?

    Did you cycle the tank. Most likely the ammonia overpowered the no good bacteria, giving your fish ammonia poisoning and ultimately killing them.

    Do not add ANY more fish until your tank cycles guppies are kinda sensitive and not very good cycling fish you can cycle with raw cocktail shrimp I heard, but since you already have one fish, I'd leave him doing water changes every other day, or every three days if the fish seems to tolerate the water ok.

    This way it will cycle out and THEN you can add more fish without them dying on you.

    Hope this helps!

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