Hello, thx for reading!
First off....I know nothing of computers, to me it is simply the shiny tv with which I can access youtube...I say this bc I'm sure I'm going to be a bit vague on whats wrong with it and will need repair instructions a three year old could work out!
So, here's what happened...
I bought a computer on craigslist 2 months ago
$500 & wam bam ty mam...I have a computer...which works great...up until about 2 weeks ago...every time I watch a video now the whole computer freezes and makes a makes this blood curdling noise like a heart monitor flatlining...
What can I do???
Here are my specs....
Microsoft Windows Xp
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pk 2
Amd Athlon XP 2700
2.17 Ghz, 2.00 GB of Ram
I use the disk defragmentor and cleanup regularly I have Avast! to catch any nasty viruses....