
I've multi-coloured hair- need advice!?

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I got caramel coloured highlights in January on top of dyed-brown hair, but decided it would take to long to get my whole head blonde. So I put Loreal Excellence Cream No. 10 in in April. Its grown out, so I recently put Shwarzkopff Platinum Blonde in, thinking it'd be a lovley mix.

But its awful. The underneath of my hair is still brown, with the highlights practically grown out, and the top of my hair is now yellow, with patches of brown where the dye didnt take.

It looks a mess, and I dont know what to do.

Any advice? I'm thinking I've no other choice but to have my hair "stripped"...? Have I any other option?

Any advice GREATLY appreciated. My hair is quite long, its just above my elbows.




  1. Go to a salon and pay money to get a good color done!!!

  2. get the colour stripped out proffesionaly, or do it yourself:

  3. ok

    if it was me i would go 2 a salon and get it dyed dark brown/black.

    i think that should help. also, if i were you i would get it cut and styled to make the darker colours look more natural and easier to maintain and handle. just my opinion.

    hope this helps.

    kelly Xx

  4. Yes, one of your choices is to get it stripped.

    If you don't want to do that though, i would suggest dying it dark.

    It needs to be darker than any color in your hair.

    The only thing is, if you wanted to dye it blonde might actually turn into a dirty blonde, or light brown.

    The darker you go, the harder it is to make it light again.

    Now, what i really suggest doing is go to a hairdresser, tell them your situation, and see what they can do about it. Since their professionals, they know what the best thing to do for your hair. It may cost some money (my hairdresser charges 50$ to dye hair), but its worth it if you want nice looking hair!

    :D good luck!

    Good luck!

  5. I Whould dye my hair quite a dark brown

    to get the colour even

    then go to a hair dressers

    but as i cant see your hair and you dont have much sence when it comes to dying your hair

    i would go to the salon

    they will advise you at what needs to be done

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