
I've never 'done it' before and my period hasn't started for a month! Help!?

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I do a lot of what people would call...masturbating, but for girls...I never actually stuck anything up there. I mean nothing. I just like rub on flat objects and well...until I'm 'finished' Then clear stuff is in my underpants when I pee. I've never really done it with anybody so I never thought it was harmful. But I stopped doing it because my periods have been off schedule. And now it's been off for a whole month. And the worst and scariest part is that I can't suck in my stomach anymore. Lately people have really been stressing me out and I can't keep focused cause of all these people stressing me out and yelling at me. Please tell me I'm not pregnant!




  1. if you haven't come in contact with sprem then you have nothing to worry about.

    If you're stressing out, that can effect your cycle.

  2. Ok....masturbation is the type of sexual thing you in know way wat so ever can not get pregnant from......ONLY IF A p***s ENTERS UR v****a..........

  3. There is ABSOLUTELY no way to get pregnant from masturbating. That fluid is produced by your own v****a. Even if you did stick something up there, as long as it wasn't a p***s you aren't pregnant. If you've been having manual or oral s*x with boys and there is a slight chance that their s***n could have entered your v****a, you could be pregnant, but I'm guessing you're just young and still hormonal, so your period is still settling into a regular pattern. Those hormones explain your bloating and moodiness.

    Don't worry. Masturbation is a healthy sexual expression with no chance of disease or pregnancy.

  4. masturbating is a very normal part of discovering our own sexuality. so don't be ashamed.

    If you have not come in contact with sperm then your not pregnant.

    The reason you 'can't suck your stomach anymore' maybe because you are bloated. You period could be late because you are stressed.

    Have a chat to your mum about it, often irls periods are irregular when they are teens.

  5. your stressing out about it and thats making it late. and you probably dont have normal periods  

  6. If you haven't had s*x, you're not pregnant. That's impossible.  

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