
I've never been on a plane before Help!?

by Guest61896  |  earlier

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Hi I'm 13 and I have never really been out of Kansas which sucks. So my brother was going to Flordia, he's about 28 and he said I could go too. My parents liked the ideal becuase, they don't have enough for me and them so this way my brother pays for him and they just have to pay for me and they know that they can trust him.

Anyway see I was woundering if you just drop off your luggage with this other luggage and it gos though somthing so they can check it and then you go though a metal deteter while they check your carry on through another deteter or what because, all I know about it is what I seen on TV and I'm really worried about flying. Also my brother said somthing about if you bring shampoo or lotion or somthing like that to put it in a bag because, it could explode because, that happened to his friend before and it got all over her clothes and stuff, has that ever happened to someone else




  1. u cant take take shampoo unless it is travel sized and has to go in a plastic bag so security can see it...u have to go to the counter of the airline u are flying to check in and they will take ur luggage...u then have to go through security with ur carry on bag and then thats it u then board ur plane when its ready

  2. ya defiantly put it in another bag because the cap could come off or something! but don't worry about flying just try to sleep on the plane or be distracted. basically you go through a scanner and you have to take off any metal things on you.. soooo its not that bad..... have fun!!

  3. I have never heard of anything like that happening but just to be on the safe side you should put containers with liquids in bags. That will probably not happen though. If you are going to check out you luggage then the size of the bottles doesn't matter. But if you are taking a carry-on (you want to keep a small bag with you or put it in the overhead container above your seat) then you can only take small bottles with liquids (like toothpaste and shampoo, etc.). When you go through the metal detectors you need to put all electroning/metal stuff like cell phones, jewlery, change, etc in a gray container to run through the scanning machine. The detectors are really sensitive. They also make you take off your shoes and put them in a separate container too. If you have a laptop then you need to take it out of its bag and put it in another container as well. You alos have to put your carry-on through as well. They will pretty much help you with it if you are unsure. No need to worry. And when you are on the plane, you should not be worried at all. Planes are the safest mode of transportation (A LOT safer than cars). I like to take a camera on the plane if I have a window seat because it's fun to take pictures out of the plane when it's taking off or landing. Florida is beautiful. Hope you have fun!

  4. yea u out ur luggage at the front desk im 13 n i fly a lot......n yea it goes thru sumtin but i dont go through a metal detector! lMAO a metal detector is to look for metal...but anyways no its not goin to explode but juss b sure if u put it in ur carry-on dat itz 3 oz or less or thhey will take it frum u

  5. He probably meant the liquids in your suitcase, the lids can come off and leak all over your clothes which can be really annoying, but they won't explode!! any liquids you want to have with you whilst you are flying need to be in small bottles in a see through bag.  

    You'll get to the airport and check in, here they'll give you a boarding pass, and take your suitcase. At this point, if you have any liquids, nail files, tweezers or anything sharp, you'll have to put them in your suitcase. make sure you don't lose your boarding pass!!

    Then you'll have to go through security, here you'll have to put your bag and coat in a tray, so it can go through an xray. You need to take your belt off if you have one, and take your mobile out of your pockets. All metal things need to go in your bag to go through the xray. don't worry about this because everything will just be a few meters away from you - nothing will get stolen! You might have to take your shoes off too. The you'll go through a metal detector (make sure you wait until you're told, cause the people who work there can get really moody if you dont!) If it beeps, they'll search you, but don't worry about it :)

    Then you'll have loads of time to sit around an do nothing! make sure you keep an eye on the screens, find out what gate your planes going from and what time you need to be there for. You'll get to your gate, and either go through a tunnel to the plane, or catch a bus to the plane :)

    If you want to see everything, try and get a window seat! its really cool to see everything down below, although if you think you'll be really scared, sitting in the aisle is better in my opinion. Flyings really fun, i love it! don't be scared, its really safe, just buy some sweets to suck on when you take off so that your ears don't pop :) Have a good flight!!

  6. well don't die and have a great vacation it sounds like fun!!! you have to text me while you are there...and i don't know that your stuff would best of luck...have fun

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