
I've never been one to tattle tell, but I'm on the verge of becoming one. Would you?

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I share an office with my team's project assistant. I'm not her boss. I've been with the company for only 6 months. The project assistant has been with the company for 10 years. She was a admin for 9 years and just got promoted as a project assistant. I will admit she works hard and is a pretty easygoing, very upbeat person. But my issue here is a lack of respect for her. My company, my group and boss - are very particular about putting in sufficient work time. We do not get paid for over time and if you work 10 hours the previous day, you are still expected to work a full 8 hours day(lunch included) the following day. Since I've started my time has been questioned. Which I find very odd since this is one thing I do not take lightly. Its important I don't lose the trust and respect of my colleagues or boss. But on the other hand the proj. assis, comes in late and leaves early. Including very long lunches. How do I indirectly bring it up to w/o actually telling.




  1. OMG!  I have this same problem, only it's my office manager!!  wow, wish i knew the answer, I'm trying to just give it to God, I'll pray for ya.

  2. You shouldn't do that. It is none of your business. Stay focused on yourself. If you have to keep your own records on yourself then do that but keep your energy on you. What if one day they just fired her. What if they were going to ask you if you would like her job but they thought about how immature your were & unfocused. Or if you remain profession they would know that you handled the whole situation with grace.

  3. When you have the seniority she has, you will be awarded some of the privileges she has as well. Understandable it is annoying. But that's just the way it is being low man on the totem pole.

    It honestly sounds like this might not be the job for you. Perhaps you should seek out something else? But you will find this at any job you go to.

    My husband is a mechanic. He has worked at this shop for 5 years. He is the shop supervisor. He goes in late several times a week. If one of the low men tried that they would be wrote up. However what he doesn't have in his promptness, he makes up for in his knowledge and ability. So sometimes a company is willing to make allowances for the right person. Kinda like marriage, they have to make compromises. Hope that helps.


    It sounds like they KNOW who is misbehaving and hoping that a 'full' punishment will stop it. But I doubt you are able to see something after just six months that they haven't been able to see after ten years. Like I said perhaps this job isn't for you? I do understand your point. But I don't see where telling on her will save you anything. Hopefully you will be rewarded for your good behavior. But I wouldn't let the resentment build up. No job is worth that.

  4. well if you do you will probly just get accused of lying but think of it this way if you don't confront the project assistant about it it will just keep eating at you at the back of your mind so at least when ever she nags at you for your hours don't let the moment slip to let her know you know about hers if you want to tell the big high haucho boss about it do it just confront her first.

  5. Ask your boss if you have the wrong impression of how the overtime works.  That when you see the project assistant coming in late and leaving early, you wonder if you have been doing it wrong since there is no overtime pay.  This way you are only seeking information and not spewing sour grapes.

  6. When you are just starting somewhere, only 6 months, you are held to a higher standard and expected to be trying to make a good impression. Someone with 10 years senority does not need to do that, put your time in and you will be on your way to long lunches and leaving early. If this person has been there 9-10 years

    I am sure this is nothing new and you will just end up hurting yourself.

  7. Keep your mouth shut and let her hang herself. If you bring it up in any audience you are only going to sound like a complainer and trouble maker. Trust me, it is always better to let them get in trouble on their own.

    You have a right to not respect her, but if you want to keep your job, especially when your times have been questioned, I would say nothing. Mum is the word.

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